Contact Congress Now And Urge A "No" Vote on HR 2206
by Steve Robertson, Director, Legislative Div., Amercian Legion: We understand the House leadership is developing a short-term defense supplemental appropriations bill that will provide $42.8 billion dollars to the Pentagon; $30.4 billion dollars of that will be for funding war operations and maintenance. The bill includes restrictive language on the conduct of the war in Iraq and funding for unrelated domestic spending as well. However the biggest problem with this bill is it only funds the war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan until July. The fiscal year, however, does not end until September 30.
Clearly, this is an ill-advised and impractical bill that should not be supported by the American public. Our troops deserve full funding for their military operations through the rest of the fiscal year. It is anticipated the House will vote on this bill on Thursday or Friday. All Americans concerned for our troops are urged to contact Congress and tell their lawmakers not to ‘nickel and dime’ our troops and the war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan by passing a bill that will expire in three months. We believe our military leaders and our troops need full funding for military operations for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Please address that 1) Congress should pass a defense supplemental appropriations bill that provides full funding for our troops through the fiscal year ending on September 30. 2) The bill should be a ‘clean’ appropriations bill; without funding for unrelated domestic spending and without placing Congressional restrictions on our military leadership and troops on the conduct of the war. [More Info]
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Don't 'Shortchange' Our Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
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