The Senate is expected to open a debate on the issue of immigration next week in an effort to pass an immigration bill which will grant millions of illegal aliens a path to citizenship (amnesty). President Bush is pressing hard on this issue and trying to take full advantage of a senate and a house controlled by Democrats and some Republicans that are very eager to pass some kind of comprehensive immigration reform (amnesty).
The Congress and Illegal Immigration website identifies that "this is not a Republican or Democrat Issue. it is an American Issue, your country is being invaded and it needs you. . . .
We can not allow those sellouts in Washington to continue destroying our country, enough is enough, our cities are turning into 3rd world slums, our emergency rooms and hospitals are closing, our education system is failing our kids, our streets are filled with illegal alien gang members, our citizens are being killed by the dozens by illegal alien drunk drivers, our jails are over filled and criminals are being release early, it is barely enough for our home grown criminals. We are spending billions of dollars on Food stamps, subsidized housing, free medical services and other welfare programs for the illegals and their anchor babies . . . [Read More]
See also: The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration & The Fiscal Cost of Low-Skill Households to the U.S. Taxpayer
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Senate may open debate on immigration next weekAppear eager to pass comprehensive immigration reform that includes amnesty
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