Tony Perkins, FRC: In what may be another veiled effort to prod the Congress into restoring the "Fairness Doctrine" for broadcast media, a coalition of leftwing groups issued a report yesterday claiming that religious conservatives get disproportionate time on the airwaves. The coalition includes Media Matters and Faith in Public Life, two leftwing groups, and has leaders like former Congressman Bob Edgar, now head of the National Council of Churches, and the Rev. Brian McLaren, who encourages Christians to engage in a vague process he has dubbed the "deep shift." The deep shift these groups really want to see is less discussion of issues like the sanctity of human life, bioethics, marriage and religious liberty and more about such topics as poverty and global warming. For many of these groups, government controls are needed to restore "balance" to the airwaves. In reality, conservatives are the balance, as most of the cable and network news hosts represent a leftwing world view that they breathe as naturally as you and I exhale air. The Media Matters/FPL report names me as a too-frequent media guest. We're all for seeing more topics on television--but dead set against government defined and mandated "balance." As always, the key to being in the media is to have something solid to say. Tags:fairness doctrine, Family Research Council, FRC, Mad Hatters, Tony PerkinsTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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