Breaking News
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Info Post
GOA Alert: Anti-gun Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) continues his assault on American gun owners. Dingell has been tapped by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to broker a compromise with Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) on H.R. 297, a gun control bill being pushed in the wake of the Virginia Tech shooting. The bill provides about $1 billion to the states to "provide the National Instant Criminal Background Check System [NICS] with all records concerning persons who are prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm... regardless of the elapsed time since the disqualifying event." As GOA has pointed out in previously, this could lead to millions more Americans being included in the FBI's database of prohibited persons.

Dingell, being a former NRA board member, is in a unique position in the Congress on Second Amendment issues. Despite the fact that he betrayed gun owners by supporting the Clinton semi-auto ban, he is still viewed on the Hill as one of the few pro-gun Democrats. So his support gives the bill the appearance of having the support of gun owners, when actually it is the most massive expansion of gun control in over a decade.

McCarthy, of course, is the most notorious anti-gunner in the Congress. Her sitting down with Dingell to decide the fate of our gun rights is like two foxes deciding how to best guard the henhouse. To make matters worse, Dingell is in negotiations with the NRA to come up with a 'compromise' as quickly as possible. The NRA itself told Newsweek in an exclusive interview on April 24 that the group "backs [the] proposed new legislation" in the House. Newsweek reported, "The NRA's position puts the group at odds with the Gun Owners of America, which has already launched a public campaign to block the legislation that the NRA supports, warning that the proposal could 'block millions of additional, honest gun owners from buying firearms.'

Politicians always seek to pass laws in the aftermath of a tragedy, as if one more law will stop evil people from doing evil deeds. Instead of passing more and more laws that ultimately will snuff out our liberty, we should consider repealing gun control laws that prevent citizens from defending themselves when a madman strikes. You can visit the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center to send your Representative a pre-written e-mail, and /or you may call your Representative at 202-225-3121 or toll-free at 1-877-762-8762.

ARRA Comment: A major concern is the potential taking away of gun ownership rights from military veterans who have returned from combat and have sought assistance for various forms of combat stress. Combat stress has existed for all wars and critical military interactions. For the government, particularly the Veterans Administration, to provide assistance to veterans and then to release this information to NICS which would then be used to screen, remove or restrict the 2nd Amendment rights of veterans would be both a travesty and in opposition to the intent of the 2nd Amendment.
Tags: 2nd Amendment, GOA, gun control, Gun Owners of America, gun rights, John Dingell, National Rifle Association, NRA, veterans To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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