Breaking News
Monday, May 7, 2007

Info Post
The Arkansas Republican Party will hold a special election on May 19 for Chair of the Arkansas Republican Party. The person elected will replace Gilbert Baker. So far only State GOP treasurer and Saline County Republican Chairman Dennis Milligan has officially expressed interest. Milligan said he believes he can help the party re-energize its supporters by focusing on fiscal, rather than social, issues. In last year's election, the state GOP often ran on social hot-button issues such as illegal immigration, gay marriage and abortion. Milligan said, "Focus on less taxes and smaller government, some of the core issues that we believe in. I think the voters spoke very strongly. A lot of our people at the ballot box did express their unhappiness with the direction that the Republican Party was headed."

Last month, at a Searcy County Lincoln Day Dinner, Rep. Mike Lamoureux (R-Russellville) said that he intended to run for this position. No mention was made of Lamoureux's interest in an AP news article. Lamoureux recently has been identified recently as one of three attorneys being considered to replace Tim Griffin as chief federal prosecutor in Little Rock. Per the Arkansas News Bureau, Lamoureux, 30, said he may not pursue the appointment because of the time issue. A former House minority leader, Lamoureux is in his third and final term as a state representative."I would need to visit with a lot of people before I'm interested or not," he said. "If I was going to serve for two or three months, it wouldn't make any sense."

Tags: Arkansas Republican Party, chairman, Dennis Milligan, elections, Gilbert Baker, Mike Lamoureux To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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