By Any Other Name, Amnesty Bill Still Stinks! 5/22/2007 -- by Chuck Baldwin: One of Shakespeare's most oft-quoted phrases comes from Romeo and Juliet, where Juliet asks Romeo: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Accordingly, President Bush and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid can call their immigration bill by any name they want to, but it is still amnesty, and it still stinks!
New Immigration Deal is a Snake, Family Security Matters: 5/21/2007 -- by Gabriel Garnica: "This new bill is a snake in the political Garden of Eden, where compromise and half is better than none. The only problem is that our national security and future are not enchiladas or tacos ready to split in half for the sake of convenience."
State Legislators to Push for True Immigration Reform, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: 5/21/2007 -- by Brad Bumsted: "Since Washington, D.C., remains AWOL on fulfilling its Constitutional responsibilities to secure our nation's borders against foreign invaders, it is not only incumbent, but the obligation of state lawmakers to step up and do the job that our federal government refuses to do," said Republican state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe. "State Legislators for Legal Immigration" will be nationwide coalition aimed at ending the "illegal alien invasion. The group will push for legislation in states and work to oppose federal bills, such as one pending in Congress to provide amnesty to illegal aliens already in the United States."
Immigration Bill To Collect American Info, The Raleigh Chronicle (N.C.): 5/18/2007 -- by Elliott West: "The System shall collect and maintain only the minimum data necessary to facilitate the successful operation of the System," says the bill's text. "Nothing...may be construed to limit the collection, maintenance, or use of data by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue or the Commissioner of Social Security as provided by law," says the proposed law. "If the bill passes, the most basic and private personal information about where American citizens work, their past work history, their birthdays and social security numbers will be called in to the government every time they apply for a job."
Caucus criticizes plan for 'amnesty', The Washington Times: 5/21/2007 -- by Jerry Seper: "The compromise ... will reward 12 million illegal immigrants with a path to citizenship -- what part of 'illegal' does the Senate not understand?" asked Rep. Brian P. Bilbray, California Republican and caucus chairman. "Any plan that rewards illegal behavior is amnesty. "You would think the Senate would have learned their lesson after the 1986 amnesty debacle, but it looks like their idea of a compromise is to repeat the failed policies of the past," he said. Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican and ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, said the proposed compromise would "do lasting damage to the country, American workers and the rule of law." He said amnesty puts lawbreakers ahead of those legally seeking citizenship, puts foreign workers ahead of U.S. workers and encourages more illegal immigration.
The Immigration Debacle, Human Events: 5/22/2007 -- by David Limbaugh: But I would argue that those insisting it is amnesty are, in a sense, understating their case. In certain respects it's worse than amnesty. Not only will criminal violators of the immigration laws receive a mere wrist-slap for their infractions; they will be rewarded for them. By contrast, millions of illegal immigrants under the bill would not be sent back home but would become legal permanent residents of this country. By being allowed to stay, they would be, in effect, keeping the fruits of their crime. More importantly, many of them would become recipients of federal government largesse via a smorgasbord of entitlements. As reported in the Washington Times, the Heritage Foundation's Robert Rector calculates that during their lifetimes, they will likely receive "$2.5 trillion more in government services than they will pay in taxes." Among those benefits are Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SSI, public housing, subsidized college education and Social Security Disability Insurance. So those persisting in challenging the amnesty characterization should be reminded that many illegals will be receiving an enormous economic windfall to accompany their anemic wrist-slapping. . . . The misguided arrogance of those playing the race card to demonize open-borders opponents is staggering. Then again, inflaming the passions against your adversaries obviates addressing the issues factually.
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Summary: What others are saying about Illegal Immigration legislation
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