Breaking News
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Info Post
by PL Booth, The Blue Eye View: We are a nation that was largely settled by European immigrants (though every country in the world is represented here). Now, the vast majority of newcomers are Hispanics from some country South of us in the Americas. In the past, our society required, both legally and collectively, all immigrants learn our English, manners, customs, ideals, and laws to assimilate into our society, a society based upon respect for the rule of law, private ownership of properties, representative government, and Judeo-Christian morality values.

The eminent Harvard political scientist Samuel P. Huntington predicted that the greatest threat to Western civilization would come from a clash of civilizations, noting with particular concern the "bloody borders" of the Muslim world. He was correct though he reckoned not with our own, homegrown socialism and its fellow travelers. Unfortunately, our Southern infiltrators do not possess nor were they ever exposed to the collective values we hold dear. To the contrary, today’s immigrants are replacing American culture with Latin American culture. . . . [Read More]

Tags: amnesty, culture, illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, PL Booth To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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