by Janet Folger, Faith2Action: Hello, I'm Ronald Reagan. No, I'm Ronald Reagan. Me too! Me too! And so in the Reagan Library the Republican debates begin. Will the real Ronald Reagan please stand up?
Let's start by disqualifying the easy ones . . . Former Gov. James Gilmore admitted he's for legally aborting children up to 12 weeks . . . for keeping 90% of the killing legal. . . . Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. He's for keeping 100% of the killing legal. . . Reagan who said, "We have the duty to protect the life of an unborn child." Giuliani's not even close to Ronald Reagan, a pro-lifer who actually liked the Christians in the Republican Party. . . . Former Gov. Mitt Romney, . . . the most anti-Catholic candidate of all, . . . said Catholics should be able to "do whatever they want." Really? Then why did Romney: Force Catholic hospitals in MA to hand out the abortion drug "Plan B" or close their doors? Ignore the Catholic Action League who lobbied for a conscience clause so Catholic civil service workers wouldn't be forced to perform same-sex "marriage" ceremonies? . . . Tell Boston's largest adoption agency, Catholic Charities, they had to place vulnerable orphan children in the homes of homosexual activists . . . Boston Catholic Charities closed their doors. Force Catholics (and other pro-life people) to fund abortions in his (post-conversion) health-care plan? . . . Ronald Reagan said, "Facts are stubborn things." . . . Romney. . . you're disqualified. . . . Sen. John McCain, who used to be pro-life, but now wants to fund embryonic stem cell research. . . . McCain then said, "in retrospect" the judicial activism that starved Terri Schiavo to death was something that should have gone unchecked. . . . If they treated prisoners of war as badly as they treated Schiavo, John McCain wouldn't be here. Sit down, Mr. McCain, without even bringing up your campaign-finance "reform" gag rule, you're disqualified. . . . Former Gov. Tommy Thompson . . . couldn't give "a yes or no answer" to funding embryonic stem cell research . . . Thompson wants churches, Christian day cares, the Boy Scouts and business owners who are morally opposed to homosexuality to be forced to keep homosexual activists (how else do we know they're homosexual?) on the payroll - even if it violates their conscience, purpose and children in their care. Wrong answer; sit down, Tommy.
The above five candidates represent the status quo.
Reagan put it this way: "Status quo, you know, that is Latin for 'the mess we're in.'"Of those declared, when it comes to the Reagan Republicans, only five candidates have a Republican leg to stand on: Sen. Sam Brownback, Former Gov. Mike Huckabee, Rep. Duncan Hunter, Rep. Ron Paul, Rep. Tom Tancredo . . .
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Tags: 2008 Elections, Duncan Hunter, GOP, Janet Folger, Jim Gilmore, John Mccain, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, presidential candidate, Republican, Ron Paul, Ronald Reagan, Rudy Giuliani, Sam Brownback, Tom Tancredo To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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