July 30, 2007 The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer Tags: Bill Richardson, debate, healthcare, Iraq War, Mike Huckabee, video To share or p...
Who Will Be The Nominee?
The ARRA commends Truth in Arkansas Politics for clearly defining the consequence of failing to select the GOP candidate who can win: So, w...
Fred Thompson Fund Raising More Powerful Than AnticipatedFredHeads waiting in the wings to help!
Dr. Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: Thompson raised nearly $3.5 million in his first month. Some pundits are discounting this amount by comparing ...
NEA begins massive drive to promote homosexuality in public schools
AFA Action Alert: Without allowing members to vote on the matter, the executive committee of the National Education Association (NEA) decid...
Boozman Condemns Democrat Whip Clyburn's Reckless CommentsCalls for Apology to the American military & their families
Late Monday, House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC), the third-ranking member of the House leadership, told the Washington Post “that a st...
Examining Two Hate Crimes - Bibles verses Korans
Is our society going crazy - you decide! First situation from FRC: Going the Extra Mile - In the Wrong direction! Officials in Key Largo, F...
Tell Congress to Oppose Efforts to Limit Domestic Exploration
United for Jobs : This week Congress will take up an energy bill that includes dangerous provisions to limit domestic oil and gas explorati...
Senators Worried About TV 'Train Wreck'
On Feb. 18, 2009, tens of millions of televisions that are not equipped to receive digital signals will become useless pieces of furniture. ...
'Abortion rights' and the moral threat to freedom: Part 9 of 'The Crisis of the Republic'
by Alan Keyes: When I was working in the State Department, someone described one of my superiors as the sort of person who would always be ...
Socialized medicine through the back door
by Wes Vernon: The Senate has been wrestling with legislation that the media echo chamber has framed as "helping sick kids," but ...
Edwards' Double Speak
Robert "Mike" Duncan, Chairman, RNC: The leading 2008 Democrat presidential candidates all seem to agree on one thing: the United...
Thompson Supports FairTax
FairTax News : Former Senator Fred Thompson came to Houston to attend a fundraiser as he considers throwing his hat into the ring for the 2...
Hawaii moves toward second 'ethnic' government
NewsMax: In a move that critics call a direct threat to the U.S. Constitution, federal legislation is moving forward in Congress to create ...
Global Backlash Against Globalization? -- Duncan Hunter seeks Congressional Oversight of NAFTA Super Highway
by Patrick Wood: . . . In the FT/Harris poll, the question was posed: “Do you think globalization is having a positive or negative effect i...
Voting machines breached in 'top-to-bottom' review'The veneer of security has evaporated'
WorldNetDaily: Teams of computer hackers sanctioned by California Secretary of State Debra Bowen were able to hack without difficulty into...
On Federalism - how it pertains immigration, education, prosecution / law enforcement, welfare, etc.
Fred Thompson, Potential GOP Presidential Candidate : The Framers drew their design for our Constitution from a basic understanding of huma...
Huckabee resonates with Iowa GOP crowdGov. Mike Huckabee, WHO Radio [Video]
By Kiley Miller, The Hawk Eye : . . . "Because my son didn't know what a dash was, he made up his own definition," Huckabee s...
Liberal Activists Step Up Campaign Against FOX News
FoxNews: Liberal activists are stepping up their campaign against FOX News Channel by pressuring advertisers not to patronize the network. ...
Think No Evil
by Janet Levy: A proposal for federal hate crime legislation is currently wending its way through Congress. H.R. 1592, the Local Law Enforc...
FCC Chair: Fairness Doctrine Not NeededStop Liberal Censorship [Video]
By Jim Abrams, AP : The Federal Communications Commission has no intention of reinstating the Fairness Doctrine imposing a requirement of b...
More Democrat Wasteful Spending [Video]
NRSC: Democrats are clinging to power by a razor thin majority of just two seats in the United States Senate. We must bring Republican prin...
Senate approves $3 billion for border security Arkansas Senator Pryor - main Democratic sponsor of the bill
Stephens Washington Bureau: - The Senate on Thursday voted to spend $3 billion to beef up border security by hiring thousands of federal ag...
Reading, Writing, and Ramadan
Tony Perkins, FRC: While some American schools are rushing to ban "Christmas" parties and Bible clubs, others are going out of th...
Liberal Stonewalling Begins Anew On Bush’s Judicial Nominees
by Andrea Lafferty, Traditional Values Coalition: Senate liberals are back to their old tricks in trying to block every qualified judicial ...
Hazleton immigrant law voided by judge - Do you agree with Hazelton or the Court?
A federal judge on Thursday struck down Hazleton's tough anti-illegal immigration law, ruling unconstitutional a measure that has been c...
‘Factory Farms’ Take Heat - Lincoln (D-AR) sponsors bill to exempt manure from Superfund
by Aaron Sadler, Times Record, Ft Smith : Large-scale poultry operations in Arkansas generate health and environmental problems that outwei...
Republicans on the Rise!
Robert "Mike" Duncan, Chairman, RNC: The eight most recent public polls show the President's job approval is rising while app...
Oklahoma City mayor washes hands of North American Union'It was a pretty stupid thing to get involved with'
by Jerome R. Corsi, WorldNetDaily : Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett has repudiated his signing in 2004 of a document described as "Th...
Guard numbers on border to be halvedSupport mission to end entirely by Sept. 2008
by Brady McCombs, Arizona Daily Star : The number of National Guard troops along the Arizona-Mexico border will be trimmed in half by the e...
House moves to free Border Patrol agents convicted of shooting Mexican drug dealer
Free Republic (AP): The House on Wednesday approved a move by conservative Republicans to try to set free two Border Patrol agents convict...
AgJOBS: The Senate has another AMNESTY in store
NumbersUSA Action Alert : MANY SENATORS STILL DON'T GET IT Despite the public outcry that helped defeat the Senate's giant amnesty...
No Left Turns
by Mitt Romney : We can all agree that we need change in America. America’s strength depends on change and innovation. I’m convinced that A...
Newt flirts with ThompsonGingrich is Newt Inc. -- one part provocateur, one part entrepreneur
by Jonathan Martin, Politics '08 : Publicly, Gingrich has been sending signals making clear that a presidential candidacy for him is be...
For Those Who Serve [Video]
Our new friends at Ft. Hard Knox assist politically-conservative bloggers, social-networkers, and citizen journalists to navigate the wild,...
On The Global War On Terror -- Basic facts on Al Qaeda in Iraq
President George Bush, at Charleston Air Force Base (7/24): . . . A good place to start is with some basic facts: Al Qaeda in Iraq was foun...