by Phyllis Schlafly: A new grab for power over education now lurking in the corridors of Congress reminds me of a song popular in the Harry James/Frank Sinatra era: "I've Heard That Song Before." Section 3401, inserted by the Senate (but not the House) in the pending America COMPETES Act (S.761), would give us another costly and harmful expansion of the federal education bureaucracy. . . . Section 3401 authorizes the creation of a "statewide partnership" whose powers are unspecified. The "partners" will be at least a dozen politicians and education bureaucrats, plus one lone "representative of the business community," but, of course, no parents. Section 3401’s goals are wrapped in the comforting word "accountability." But the bill never says to whom the schools are to be accountable; clearly, it does not call for accountability to parents or taxpayers. The America COMPETES Act is now in conference. Tell your House Members not to agree to Section 3401 because it will waste taxpayers' money, expand an unnecessary and overbearing bureaucracy, give the Federal Government control of all school curricula, and put information about all children in a government database. . . . [Read More] Tags:Eagle Forum, federal funding, increased taxes, Phyllis Schlafly, schoolTo share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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