Breaking News
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Info Post
Today, one of the more conservative candidates, former Virgina Governor Jim Gilmore withdrew as a Republican candidate for president. He did not endorse any other candidate. He had emergency eye surgery on July 2, but did not indicate that the operation influenced his decision. His past statements expressed his continued concern with the top three GOP presidential contenders whom he considered too liberal: Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and John McCain. Gov. Gilmore's withdrawal statement follows:
Statement from former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore (7/14): I am today withdrawing my candidacy for the Republican nomination for President. It has been a positive and rewarding experience for me, for my family, and for my supporters. It has become apparent to me that the combination of my late start, and the front loaded nature of the primary schedule, have made it impractical to continue to pursue this path towards further public service.

I am proud of the fact that my campaign focused on the issues, worked hard to block amnesty for illegal immigrants, brought attention to the need to protect private property rights, and called for a new path in Iraq that would provide our valiant military men and women with a more clearly defined and achievable mission. However, I have come to believe that it takes more than a positive vision for our nation's future to successfully compete for the Presidency. I believe that it takes years of preparation to put in place both the political and financial infrastructure to contest what now amounts to a one-day national primary in February.

In the coming weeks and months, I intend to remain active in the Republican Party and in the public debate. I will be forming a state political action committee to assist Republican candidates in the General Assembly. Additionally, I will be actively looking for other opportunities to continue in public service in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Tags: Election 2008, Jim Gilmore, Republican To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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