Dr. Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: Today the 2007 Arkansas Republican Assembly Convention was held in Clarksville, AR. A press release of new officers and convention activities will be released and reported on in a few days. Of special interest is the result of a straw poll of delegates attending the convention. "All potential" Republican candidates who announced or have indicated they may announce were considered. Delegates discussed everything from candidates' positions on key issues to the "X" factor: who can win the election. Fred Thompson received 86% of the votes by delegates in a secret ballot straw poll as to the person they would most like to represent the Republican Party if elections were held today.
The straw poll was not a formal endorsement by the Arkansas Republican Assembly. However, the straw poll did provide the ARRA delegates to the 2007 Republican Assembly National Convention with a nonbinding expression as to whom the ARRA membership favors at this time. The National Convention will meet in Saint Louis on August 3 - 5. In the Fall, after Republican candidates for President have formally filed in Arkansas, ARRA delegates will have the option to endorse a presidential candidate.
While the Republican Party of Arkansas and its subdivisions may not endorse candidates in a primary, the Arkansas Republican Assembly as an independent caucus group is not so limited and may endorse and support candidates. The ARRA represents social, moral, and fiscal conservative Arkansans who believe in God, family, and country and who work to uphold moral and traditional family values and Republican principles and ideals. If you are one of these type people, check out the ARRA. For more information, please visit our website.
Tags: Arkansas Republican Assembly, ARRA, convention, Election 2008, Fred Thompson, presidential candidate, presidential candidates, republican candidates, straw poll To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Fred Thompson Wins Arkansas Republican Assembly Convention Straw Poll
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