Breaking News
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Info Post
Our conservative friend over at Saber Point calls Democrats "Enemies of America" based on their deception in killing the "John Doe" bill: This past week the Party of Treason killed the "John Doe" bill that would have protected citizens for informing authorities of possible terrorist activity. Right after a group of Muslims exhibited provocative behavior aboard a commercial airliner, several passengers complained and the followers of Satan were promptly ejected from the plane. The ejected barbarians then filed lawsuits against all those who complained about their deliberately provocative behavior. The whole thing had been a Muslim setup to suppress opposition to Muslims acting provocatively on airplanes, and elsewhere, using the threat of lawsuits as a club. That would have made future terrorist plots more difficult to stop.

A Republican proposed the "John Doe" bill to exempt informers from such lawsuits. Litigation is enormously expensive, even when you win, and there is always the chance you will find yourself in jail for no good reason, like the two border guards imprisoned for protecting the borders. The Democrats, after first voting for the John Doe bill (for public consumption) then killed the bill in committee, thus allowing CAIR . . . to sue the beans out of anyone who might complain. You can always count on the Democrats to stand up for the little guy, especially when the little guy hates America and wants to destroy it. . . . [Read More] Link to the roll on the Senate John Doe protection amendment, which missed the 60-vote threshold by 3 votes. Interesting facts: No Republican voted against it. GOP presidential candidate Sam Brownback didn’t bother to vote. Hillary voted for it. Obama sat it out.

Tags: CAIR, Democrats, Islamist, John Doe, Saber Point


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