Breaking News
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Info Post
by Terence P. Jeffrey, Human Events: Barack Obama is the most pro-abortion presidential candidate ever. He is so pro-abortion he refused as an Illinois state senator to support legislation to protect babies who survived late-term abortions because he did not want to concede -- as he explained in a cold-blooded speech on the Illinois Senate floor -- that these babies, fully outside their mothers' wombs, with their hearts beating and lungs heaving, were in fact "persons."

"Persons," of course, are guaranteed equal protection of the law under the 14th Amendment. In 2004, U.S. Senate-candidate Obama mischaracterized his opposition to this legislation. Now, as a presidential frontrunner, he should be held accountable for what he actually said and did about the Born Alive Infants Bill. . . . [Read More]
Tags: abortion, Barack Obama, Democrat, Election 2008, presidential candidate, pro-abortion To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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