Breaking News
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Info Post
by Byron York, National Review Online: This morning Mike Huckabee will appear at campaign events in Fort Dodge and Mason City, Iowa, and then, around noon, board a private jet for a destination not usually favored by front-runners on the eve of the Iowa caucuses: Burbank, California. There, he will tape an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and, after the show, hop back on the jet and head back to Iowa, planning to arrive by about 2 A.M. Thursday. His first event on Caucus Day will be at 8:30 A.M. in Burlington, and he’ll go straight through until the votes are counted in the evening.

It’s an unconventional last day in an unconventional campaign. But given that this will be both Leno’s first time back on The Tonight Show since the writer’s strike, as well as Huckabee’s last big TV appearance before the caucuses, the governor’s aides believe there will be great public interest. . . . it’s a chance to appeal to many more people than could be reached during the two or three in-person appearances in Iowa that Huckabee will skip by flying to California.

It will also change the subject a bit. Team Huckabee is trying hard not to appear defensive about the governor’s somewhat odd performance in the last couple of days, a period dominated by his I’m-not-going-to-air-this-negative-ad-but-I-am-going-to-show-it-to-the-press news conference and, later, by a full day of complaining about Romney’s attacks. . . . Some in the national media judged it a disaster, but coverage in Iowa has not been nearly as negative, . . . in any event, the Huckabee campaign is betting that by caucus time, people will be talking more about Huckabee on The Tonight Show than about a press conference that virtually no one saw. . . . [Read More]

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