Fred Barnes, Editor of The Weekly Standard: "The election is not over yet. Sarah Palin seems to realize this, but someone better tell John McCain.” Sarah Palin has added energy and enthusiasm to the McCain campaign, however the downfall has been the looming economic crisis. Barnes also talked about free trade and the forced card check legislation. Barnes said our economy would suffer if card check passes Congress and was signed into law by the Obama-messiah (if he is elected). Card check would virtually become the death of every Right to Work law in our country. “Three and a half weeks is a lifetime in politics.” It is time for McCain to toughen up and fight hard, if he expects to win.
Virginia’s Attorney General and next Governor, Bob McDonnell is currently on stage right now. He truly believes in true conservative principles. “AFP has made a difference in three short years, contributed to the near death of earmarks . . . Government does not create wealth or dreams, only the people can create this.” Additionally, McDonnell mentions how he has been cutting spending in Virginia by cutting his own budget and demanding more transparency in our government. “The Founders wrote the owner’s manual, read Chapter I, Section 8 of the Constitution, elect people that understand it, and create the re-birth of Federalism. The Constitution is not an ever changing document. Stand for the principles of limited government and property rights.”
Herman Cain, radio show host, gave the Line of the day: “Nancy Pelosi believes prosperity is a new direction, Harry Reid believes prosperity means blame it on Bush, Joe Biden believes prosperity means freedom, and Barack Obama believes prosperity means supposed change. I have a message for all of the liberal kool-aid drinkers. There is no Department of Happy in Washington, DC.”
Steve Moore, The Wall Street Journal columnist, is talked about his recent appearance on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher. He got into an argument about government spending with Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA). “Who do you think is most to blame for the financial crisis? Do you think it was Wall Street?, Do you think it was rresponsible lending? Most people said it was Washington, DC and irresponsible spending.” The lefties want to socialize the economy. How can you cut taxes for 95% of the people when 35% do not pay taxes at all. Small business owners will be paying mostly all of the tax increases. “We are not running out of polar bears, they are just making this up. Global warming is a hoax. No more bailouts, this is not capitalism, it is socialism.”
Grover Norquist, author of “Leave Us Alone” said, “Everybody is free. Hillary’s table (and now, Barack’s) are filled with trial lawyers.” It is time to stop giving money to the special interests who feed Hillary and Barack’s table. “Republican elected officials who vote for tax increases are rat heads in a Coke bottle and we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.” We need government transparency. Transparency allows us to have a say on what’s going on.
John Fund of The Wall Street Journal is speaking to the audience. Fund mentions Wall Street’s collapse and the bailout bill, which benefited ACORN (they would have received money from the Housing Trust fund). Right now, there is a big voter fraud scandal brought to you by ACORN, who is registering felons to vote. Fraud is suspected in Pennsylvania, Nevada, and other battleground states. It is time for states to investigate ACORN and the Obama campaign. “ACORN’s offices in New Orleans host 120 front groups, and the Obama campaign has been funding them. The Obama campaign failed to register the ACORN voter drives properly, but mentioned them as “GOTV activities.” Our votes should not be counted out by those who vote twice, are fraudulent, and we should demand that. It is a non-partisan issue, and we should stand up for our rights.
Rep. Tom Price (R-OK) identified that Jefferson and Madison never envisioned government would become like this. Our debt limit has grown by leaps and bounds. “Runaway spending now threatens our existence. An assualt on free capitalism is threatening our existence even more so.” There is no regard to reality with the Democrats in Congress.
John Stossel: ABC 20/20: “Don’t you know the free markets are over as of this crisis? . . . The conomy’s destruction can be determined by inflation and unemployment.” We should re-value assets, re-negotiate with our lenders, and be more responsible with our spending habits. “Crisis is a friend of the state. Markets are too complicated for our government to regulate. It is intuitive to think the government to protect us.” The private sector always doesn’t pay. “How can there be a credit crisis when DiTech is still advertising 6% mortgages?” Stossel is definitely a strong libertarian thinker, and he makes sense compared to some of the corrupt legislators in Congress. “I’d say they’re spending like drunk sailors, but that would be an insult to sailors because they spend their own money.” It is time to leave free people alone and let us live our lives however we choose to. “The countries who have the most economic freedom have the most prosperity. The countries without economic freedom do not have the best prosperity.” Screw regulations! They are horrible. “Now, the politicians say we have to regulate health care…ummm, no.”
Tags: AFP, Americans for Prosperity, Fred Barnes, Grover Norquist, John Fund, John Stossel, Steve Moore To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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