Dr. Bill Smith, Editor of the ARRA News Service is in Washington, D.C. as a guest of the Americans for Prosperity, attending the Oct. 10-11, 2008, 2nd National Defending the American Dream Summit. The summit is being held at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Washington, D.C, an brings together thousands of the nation’s leading voices for more freedom. Attendees will hear from some of the nation’s premier free-market leaders, leading national grassroots experts, and participate in our special “Tribute to Ronald Reagan Dinner.” The event is the largest gathering in the nation of free-market activists and leaders who want to transform the policy landscape on issues such as taxes, spending, and pro-growth economic principles. V In addition AFP will lead a Rally at the U.S. Capitol to defend the free market and protest big government power grab. Visit DefendingtheDream.org for a full agenda.
In addition to several national authors and a long list of presenters, elected officials, and free enterprise activists, all attendees are looking forward to listening to George Will, Dinesh D'Sousa, John Stossel ABC 20/20), Fred Barnes (Weekly Standard) and Steve Moore and John Fund (Wall Street Journal) and Tim Phillips (AFPF President). “Even as candidates and elected officials are busy blaming economic uncertainty on ‘Wall Street greed’ and deregulation, our members are looking forward to sending a powerful message that free markets and pro-growth economic policies work,” said AFPF President Tim Phillips. “We are gathering to defend the free-market against class-warfare attacks and with our large turnout, send a compelling reminder to policymakers of the belief in lower taxes and more limited government shared by citizens around the country.”
“This event is a call to action for citizens who want to defend the American Dream from high taxes, out-of-control spending, and the stranglehold of government regulation,” said Phillips. “Attendees will get the training and education they need to become even better advocates for limited government ideas.” The Summit will feature radio and bloggers row, as well as panels on grassroots organization, market-based solutions to emerging challenges such as energy, and intensive new media training as part of AFPF’s RightOnline initiative, which aims to establish a conservative counter-weight to the Left’s web 2.0 community.
Americans for Prosperity (AFP) and Americans for Prosperity Foundation (AFP Foundation), the nation’s premier grassroots organization, are committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFPF believes reducing the size and scope of government is the best safeguard to ensuring individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. AFPF educates and engages citizens in support of restraining state and federal government growth, and returning government to its constitutional limits.
Tags: AFP, Americans for Prosperity, Defending the American Dream, Excessive spending, grassroots, taxes To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Defending the American Dream Summit #AFP08
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