by William Warren: Obama Sides With Marxists Over Honduras : Accuracy in Media reports a story by Cliff Kincaid which is the title of this ...
Obama's Presidential Approval Index Rating Falls
Today (6/30/09), the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows 33% of the nation's voters now Strongly Disapprove of the...
Thousands Protest Obama Policies In Nashville
NewsChannel 5, Nashville : [ Extracted ] Yesterday, four thousand local protestors took over Legislative Plaza in Tennessee's Capital...
Al Franken Wins Minnesota Senate Race
Minnesota’s Supreme Court ruled after an eight-month post-election battle that Democrat Al Franken has defeated former Senator Norm Coleman ...
Alice in Medical Care
by Thomas Sowell in Townhall : Most political and media discussions of medical care have an air of unreality reminiscent of Alice in Wonder...
Gov. Pawlenty Speaks to Arkansas Republicans
Video and Comments Complements of Jason Tolbert who attended the press briefing. Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty spoke to the Republican Pa...
Obama Sides With Marxists Over Honduras
Yesterday, ARRA News posted the story In Honduras, Freedom Restored . Accuracy in Media reports a story by Cliff Kincaid which is the titl...
Today in Washington D. C. - June 29, 2009 - Concern Expressed About Nominee Sotomayor
Senate is in recess until Monday, July 6. When the Senate returns, it will resume consideration of the fiscal year 2010 Legislative Branch a...
Supreme Court Overturns Nominee Sonia Sotomayor Judgment
by Clint Bolick, Forbes : Today the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a New Haven, Conn., decision [5-4] to jettison a firefighter test that th...
Pentagon: N. Korea Missiles Could Hit U.S.
NewsMax : North Korea's missiles could hit the United States in as few as three years if the reclusive rogue nation continues to ramp up...
Why Adultery is Political Suicide
America, You Asked For It! -- by Steve Chapman on : By now, it’s clear that Mark Sanford has about as much of a future in poli...
In Honduras, Freedom Restored - #Honduras
Source by ALG News - The story out of Honduras is that the people of that stalwart little country have now taken it into their own hands t...
Are You Confused about Health Care Reform
Tony Perkins, Washington Update : There are very good reasons to be confused about what kind of health care reform Congress is debating rig...
My New "Special" Cell Phone
by the Ozark Guru: When readers asked me if I get threats. I say yes, occasionally. When asked if I was afraid, I answer "No, I have a...
The 'Cap and Trade' GOP's Eight & Arkansas' Vic Snyder
Yesterday, the House approving the "Cap-and-Trade" bill which is really a Cap & Tax Theft bill. Review background story here ....
Religious liberties in the cross hairs
CitizenLink - Focus Action Update : Earlier this week, the Senate held an important hearing on the so-called hate crimes legislation that g...
We Now Have A Total Gangster Government
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) speaking on the House floor: Now we've moved into the realm of gangster government. We have gangster gov...
House Approves "Cap-and-Tax" Bill; Really a Cap & Theft Bill
Today, the House of Representatives passed HR 2454 the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (the "Cap and Trade Energy Bill...
Today in Washington D. C. - June 26, 2009
The House of Representatives is debating and scheduled to vote on H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (the "C...
Obama Deficits As Compared With Past Presidents
How do the Obama deficits compare with past presidents? And how did the national debt get so big anyway. This video tries to answer those qu...
Today in Washington D. C. - June 25, 2009
Action Alert: Tomorrow, the U.S. House is scheduled to vote on H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (the "Cap...
Cap and Trade Floor Vote on Friday: Take Action!
Action Alert: Friday, the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (t...
Mohammed to Obama: “We need your help”
Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families: This morning I received an email from our friends at National Review that contained an excerpt f...
But Wait! Theres More!!
by William Warren : The All Barack Channel (ABC) sold the "Dr. Obama's Swamp Root Snake Oil," while denying conservative comme...