Obama Sides With Marxists Over Honduras: Accuracy in Media reports a story by Cliff Kincaid which is the title of this post. It is important for Americans, especially conservatives, to note what really happened in Honduras and what actions our President and other government agencies are taking. There was NO "military coup." Honduras government agencies and courts took legal action. A new President, the former Vice President from the same political party, has been sworn in and new elections are planned. The military in Honduras followed their oaths to their country to preserve its constitution. I can only hope that American military officers remember that their oath of office is not to a president or a potentate but is to "preserve the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic." President Obama is calling the situation an "illegal Military coup" when the situation was both legal and constitutional. This begs the question, why? Why is Mr. Obama not supporting the legal transfer of power in Honduras? Why is he siding with the Marxist governments in South America?
A Great Day In Honduras: The sun shines bright on this new day with the expulsion of the former President Zelaya. In spite of what the press is saying, this is a great day. Zelaya had aligned himself with the communist leaders of the region and was moving the country in that direction. Of course, this made the investors and the business owners of the country very nervous. He started making agreements with Leftist governments without congressional approval and wouldn't listen to the judicial or legislative branches of the government who opposed such things.
In Honduras, Freedom Restored: The story out of Honduras is that the people of that stalwart little country have now taken it into their own hands to preserve their democracy in the most courageous action since they established their constitutional republic nearly three decades ago. Just as former Honduran President Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales prepared to seize full power in direct violation of the nation's Constitution, the military leadership – with the backing of the people – removed him from power.
Tags: Barack Obama, Honduras, Iran, JFK, Obama Doctrine, political cartoon, William Warren To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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