Breaking News
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Info Post
Yesterday, the House approving the "Cap-and-Trade" bill which is really a Cap & Tax Theft bill. Review background story here.

The Democrats were not all in agreement on this bill. We should all thank the 44 Democrats who bucked their own party to vote against this idiocy. However, with the victory by 2 votes, it is also appropriate to identify the 8 Republicans who sold out. For the record, they are:
- Mary Bono Mack (CA) (202) 225-5330
- Mike Castle (DE) (202) 225-4165
- Mark Kirk (IL) (202) 225-438
- Leonard Lance (NJ) (202) 225-5361
- Frank LoBiondo (NJ) (202) 225-6572
- John McHugh (NY) (202) 225-4611
- Dave Reichert (WA) (202) 225-7761
- Chris Smith (NJ) (202) 225-3765
Many of you may agree that these guys desperately need to be REPLACED with some people with COMMON SENSE. They may claim they voted for jobs. But, in the long run the bill is a jobs killer with respect to the number of jobs lost verses the number that will be added. But most of all this is one massive tax bill and expansion of the federal government. Republicans, no matter what they were offered, should has stood strong against expanding government and increased taxation. They broke with the Republican leadership and even slapped the 44 Democrats that stood with the GOP majority against the bill.

Although we cannot report on every representative, we will look at one Democrat who did NOT represent his constituents, but instead voted for the bill. Arkansas has four Congressmen - 3 Democrats and 1 Republican. On a whole, the people of Arkansas are conservative and did not want the Cap-in-Trade passed. The people of Arkansas have lower incomes and a higher proportion of tax burden on their incomes. If the bill becomes law, it will serious affect Arkansas in many negative ways.

For example, the bill will significantly affect Arkansas' public schools which are already economically stressed. It will increase the cost of operations for Arkansas’ schools by over $63 million through higher electric rates and natural gas rates. This is an average of $232,000 per school district per year that can no longer be used to hire teachers or give teachers raises. This does not even address the higher cost of fuel for school bus fleets and grounds maintenance operations. These increased energy costs will require higher property tax rates for Arkansas property owners.

Then, there is the additional direct tax to each family via their energy bills. The Heritage Foundation estimates that cap-in-trade could increase the average American family’s energy bill by $1,500 annually! This is money that Arkansas families do not have. It is interesting that numerous federal hydro power dams within Arkansas provides electricity to the national grid. However, Arkansas residents do not benefit from this massive power generation. Instead, Arkansas must meet its own power needs via coal or natural gas. And, the cost of generated electricity is about to increase significantly. Also, Arkansas is largely agricultural and the impact of "cap-in-trade" will significantly affect the farmers and ranchers. As a result of the above and many other facts, Rep. Marion Berry (D-1st District), Mike Ross (D-4th District) and John Boozman (D-3rd District) voted against the bill.

However, Vic Snyder (D-2nd District) failed to vote for his Arkansas constituents and voted to raise Arkansans' utility cost, petroleum cost and taxes in numerous forms! One frustrated reader expressed the following generally felt outrage over Snyder's vote: "This is not the first issue where Snider has voted his own 'liberal agenda' against the desires of his hard working Arkansas constituents. I sincerely hope that Arkansans finally sees through Snyder's pretense! Snyder has become one of the Washington establishment - an elite who votes with the socialists! Snyder is definitely not a blue-dog southern democrat who believes in fiscal conservatism or he would not have voted for this piece of crap legislation!" It is clear that Vic Snyder has sold out Arkansas and that if this bill becomes law, Arkansans will again be forced to bear a disproportionate tax burden and loss of jobs.

Tags: Arkansas, cap-and-trade, GOP, higher taxes, lost jobs, Vic Snyder To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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