Paying Back a Loan Never Felt So Bad: When BB&T along with many other major financial institutions wanted to wash their hands clean of government funds, they were told that they would not be allowed until they passed strict tests, as ALG News previously reported. Even though Barack Obama said that he has no interest "in managing these banks—or running auto companies or other private institutions, for that matter," he has now granted a small few the right to repay their TARP loans. Why not all of them? [Full Article] See also: $100 Billion IMF Bailout to Aid Dollar's Downfall and PDF Document: IMF Bailout: Dollar in Danger
Tags: angry taxpayers, IMF, International Monetary Fund, political cartoon, taxpayers, Timothy Geithner, William Warren To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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