Where was the outcry from American Muslim clerics or from the Muslim leaders with whom President Obama met after the shooting? It is time to address the false teachings being taught to Muslim converts. Continual claims that the Muslim religion is a Religion of Peace appears untrue and possibly deadly. And, the hatred by the followers of Islam for Jews and Israel is even more rabid than against Christian or the decadent Americans. Again, where is the denunciation by the Muslim clerics in America? Background story follows:
Fox News: A Muslim convert charged with fatally shooting an American soldier at a military recruiting center said Tuesday that he doesn’t consider the killing a murder because U.S. military action in the Middle East justified it. “I do feel I’m not guilty,” Abdulhakim Muhammad told The Associated Press in a collect call from the Pulaski County jail. “I don’t think it was murder, because murder is when a person kills another person without justified reason.”Texas Fred rightly noted on his site: "[Barack] Obama was "shocked and outraged" at the murder of an abortionist, but wasn’t shocked and outraged by the murder of a U.S. soldier, and the shooting of another soldier, on duty, at a recruiting station on American soil, a shooting and murder that was committed by a member of the Muslim cult that we, supposedly, aren’t at war with? Isn’t the murder of this soldier a heinous act of violence as well? If you’re Barack Hussein Obama, apparently not…"
Pvt. William Andrew Long, 23, of Conway was volunteering at the west Little Rock recruiting office before starting an assignment in South Korea. He was shot dead June 1 while smoking a cigarette outside the building, and a fellow soldier, Pvt. Quinton I. Ezeagwula, 18, of Jacksonville was wounded. [See Prior Story]
. . . Muhammad told the AP he admitted to his actions to police and said he was retaliating against the U.S. military. "Yes, I did tell the police upon my arrest that this was an act of retaliation, and not a reaction on the soldiers personally," Muhammad said. He called it "a act, for the sake of God, for the sake of Allah, the Lord of all the world, and also a retaliation on U.S. military." In the interview, Muhammad also disputed his lawyer's claim that he had been "radicalized" in a Yemeni prison and said fellow prisoners that some call terrorists were actually "very good Muslim brothers."
He also said he didn't specifically plan the shootings that morning. "It's been on my mind for awhile. It wasn't nothing planned really. It was just the heat of the moment, you know," said Muhammad . . . . said he wanted revenge for claims that American military personnel had desecrated copies of the Quran and killed or raped Muslims. "For this reason, no Muslim, male or female, sane or insane, little, big, small, old can accept or tolerate," he said. . . .
"U.S. soldiers are killing innocent Muslim men and women. We believe that we have to strike back. We believe in eye for an eye. We don't believe in turning the other cheek," he said. Asked whether he considered the shootings at the recruiting center an act of war, Muhammad said "I didn't know the soldiers personally, but yes, it was an attack of retaliation. And I feel that other attacks, not by me or people I know, but definitely Muslims in this country and others elsewhere, are going to attack for doing those things they did," especially desecrating the Quran. . . . [Read the Full Story: Recruitment Shooting Suspect Doesn't Think Killing Was Murder]
What kind of confusion is being peddled by our political leaders? Now that Obama has announced that GITMO will no longer exist, how many others will attack American military personnel and their families? Will Obama administration via AG Holder take jurisdiction over this murder case to shut down the publicity and to protect Abdulhakim Muhammad from the Arkansas' death penalty?
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