Tony Perkins, Washington Update: There are very good reasons to be confused about what kind of health care reform Congress is debating right now. The health reform plans keep changing. Even in the committees of jurisdiction, only part of each bill is being considered because the rest of the bill has not been drafted. And when it gets drafted, it has to be scored (its cost to the taxpayer determined) by the Congressional Budget Office. The scores have been so high, ranging from $1.6 trillion to $2.4 trillion in the U.S. Senate and $3 trillion in the U.S. House, that the crippling price tags are causing further changes.
Until the Democrats decide whether or not to have a government health plan option, the delays and confusion will continue. On one hand, three of the most influential House Democratic caucuses have demanded a public/government plan option. On the other, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the American Medical Association and the Association of Health Insurance Plans have all come out four-square against a government plan. When the leaders of the employer, doctor and insurance communities unite to oppose a specific legislative item, it becomes very difficult to pass. Moreover, President Obama has said that there is "no line in the sand" on a government plan, but House Speaker Pelosi says she cannot pass health reform in the House without a government plan.
If you are confused about what is happening on health care reform, don't worry, so are members of Congress. I will keep you posted on the changes through the Washington Update and the weekly Perkins on Point video. This week I zero in on the President's statement and two votes in the Senate this week which signal that a government health care plan will lead to vulnerable people being denied certain treatments and procedures. Check it out by going on FRC Action's new online health care resource, and be sure to pass it on to your friends.
Tags: Barack Obama, Family Research Council, FRC, health care, Impeach Nancy Pelosi, nationalized health care, Tony Perkins To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Are You Confused about Health Care Reform
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