by Art Villa - Open Letter to the President and Congress: It seems that every move that you, our representative government, are making is adverse to our nation’s common interests. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I might think that our enemies and the global elite have tremendous influence in our own government and in mainstream media in order with the goal of taking away our individual rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness…
1. You don’t allow healthy free-market competition to take place. Instead, you set up quasi-gov’t-owned entities that alter the markets. You give special treatment to corporations that kills off healthy competition and wrecks our economy. Then you bail out mega corporations that have somehow become too big to fail at taxpayer expense.
2. You don’t allow us to be energy independent. We have abundant resources in our own country with the biggest obstacle being government support.
3. You don’t allow our nation to be competitive globally. You insist on promoting unions which foster inefficiency and mediocrity vs. efficiency, agility, and excellence. You insist on taxing productivity when taxing consumption (i.e. the FairTax) will repatriate business opportunity, capital, jobs, and prosperity back to our lands.
4. You don’t control spending. You burden current and future generations with massive debt which will ultimately break the back of America.
5. You don’t control immigration. You are giving rights to those not here legally AT TAXPAYERS’ EXPENSE. It seems that expanding the voter base is more important to you than the security and economic prosperity of those already here.
6. You don’t foster educational excellence in K-12. Competition is the only way to promote excellence and you have taken it away from our school system as well.
The result of all of this? An economy in shambles, loss of our competitive edge, a country that consumes but no longer produces, a massive trade imbalance, massive debt, and diminishing hope for current and future generations.
If your goal is to unravel everything that is good here in America you are doing a great job! YOU are the man behind the curtain with all of the levers, dials, knobs, controls, switches, etc. and YOU are messing our country up! Why? Why are you doing this? If you truly care about our country will you please stop the nonsense?
Tags: Art Villa, congress, education, energy policy, FairTax, federal spending, free market, illegal immigration, National Defense, Open Letter, President
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Mr. President & Congress: How are you helping us?
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