by Sam Adams MMIV: The AP reports today that a new survey of business economists finds they’re “skeptical of the government's abilit...
ObamaCare's Contradictions & In Government We Trust?
The following Wall Street Journal videos have some eye openers: ObamaCare's Contradictions Double Talk Shrinking Reform Plan. Journal E...
Tim Hawkins - The Government Can
Watch this video by Tim Hawkins. You will be smiling and jumping while at the same time agreeing on what the government is doing to you (us...
Airbrushing out Mary Jo Kopechne
by Mark Steyn : We are enjoined not to speak ill of the dead. But, when an entire nation — or, at any rate, its “mainstream” media culture ...
"W" - The Impersonator
Relax it's Sunday. The "former president" pays a visit to Stuart Shepard in his Stoplight ® commentary. He shares a message o...
A 100% failure rate!
Think about this . . . The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775 - they've had 234 years to get it right; it is broke, and even thou...
Eugenics - Obama's mad science adviser
The Washington Time s : When it comes to having past views that should frighten every American citizen, Ezekiel Emanuel (see above editoria...
ASTROTURF JERKS! - Steven Crowder Goes Liberal
While citizens are protesting for nothing but their personal desires to see run away government spending stopped and are being called astrot...
The Opportunity of a Century
by Phyllis Schlafly : Speaker Nancy Pelosi said one correct thing: health care legislation is our "opportunity, not of a lifetime, but...
William J. Murray, Chairman Religious Freedom Coalition : Suddenly President Barack Obama changed course and directed his Justice Departmen...
Better For Israel To Be Respected Than Loved
CBN News video: Huckabee Israel Trip Stirs Controversy by Sara Lehmann, The Jewish Press : Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas a...
Farmers and Cattlemen Need to Stand Against Sunstein
by ALG News : When the Senate returns to business next month, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has already announced that one of the first...
Breaking News: Bill to Give Obama 'Cybersecurity Emergency' Powers
by Declan McCullagh, CNET News : Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed ha...
The Real Scare Tactics
Over and over again we have heard the President tell us that conservatives and Republicans are out there trying to scare people, using fear ...
Did the White House Green Light Lockerbie Bomber's Release?
by Ken Blackwell,Contributing Author : The recent events in Scotland show the futility of treating a war as a criminal justice issue. Did G...
Rick Crawford Announces Official Bid for Congress; Outlines Legislative Priorities
This evening Rick Crawford formally announced his candidacy for a 2010 run for Arkansas’ First District as United States House of Representa...
Ballooning Deficit & Proposed Cuts To Medicare Finally Getting People's Attention
by Sam Adams MMIV: In his Washington Post column yesterday, Michael Gerson pointed to key problems Democrats are facing in their drive fo...
Slaying Leviathan: The Moral Case for Tax Reform
Leslie Carbone’s book, Slaying Leviathan: The Moral Case for Tax Reform has just been released. In Slaying Leviathan , Carbone argues that...
No restrictions on illegal immigrants in H.R. 3200
K. Ryan James : Treatment of Non-Citizens in H.R. 3200 “In addition, under H.R. 3200, a “Health Insurance Exchange” would begin operation i...
Framing the Debate
by William Warren : Tags: government healthcare, MSNBC, political cartoon, political satire, racist, William Warren To share or post to yo...
Polling Bad News for Blanche Lincoln
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: When polling numbers shows a senior senator in difficulty against potential candidates over a year out from the e...
Another Terrorist Freed By President Obama
Another Gitma detainee has been freed and released in Afghanistan. Mohammed Jawad, an al Qaeda operative, was arrested by Afghan police in D...
Today in Washington D. C. - August 25. 2009 - The Major Pending National Train Wreck
Congress is still in recess until September 8th which is six days before the promised deadline set by Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority L...
Arkansas GOP Kick-off of “Listening to Arkansas” Tour
Update: The Republican Party of Arkansas (RPA) has announced its third stop on the “Listening to Arkansas” Tour which will stop in Russellv...
Who Needs Death Panels? Just Use Govt VA Checklist
by Bobby Eberle : Much is being made about provisions in Barack Obama's health "scare" plan which suggest that seniors be den...