Breaking News
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Info Post
Richard Hester, KTLO Radio: The head of the Republican Party in Arkansas (RPA) was in Mountain Home on Tuesday, bringing a message of Republican rebirth and optimism to local conservatives and future candidates. Doyle Webb, state chairman of the Republican Party, spoke to several groups -- the Baxter County Republican Men's Club and the County Republican Committee -- and he had this message:
Doyle Webb: "After the November election last year, a lot of people pronounce the Republican party DOA. It was 'dead on arrival;' and today we see new life in the republican Party and a lot of activity among conservatives and the recruiting of candidates is outstanding. So, my message is we are going to see a new day in 2010. It will be a banner year for Republicans in our state and in this county."
Webb said he believes the policies of President Obama's administration will have a trickle down effect on both the state and local levels.
Doyle Webb: "When people become acutely aware of taxation, and indebtedness, and government involvement at the Federal level, the go to looking at 'what is going on in my county and at my state level.' And that will trickle down. In matter of fact, Arkansas voted 58% percent for the McCain-Palin ticket in 08. And that was the first time Arkansas cast it's electoral votes for the Republican when the nation elected a Democrat. We believe that started the trend and for people understanding that clearly the definition between a liberal Obama administration and a more conservative Republican administration. We think that will carry forward down to every level of government."
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: RPA Chairman Doyle Webb Visit Baxter County on Tuesday. He was the guest speaker at the Baxter County Republican Men's Club and spoke to packed house which was open to the public. Republicans also attended from Marion, Fulton and Izard counties. Webb delivered a positive and fact filled speech for a half hour and then answered questions for over a half hour Webb shared about the upcoming Arkansas GOP “Listening to Arkansas” Tour . After the meeting, Webb was invited to speak to media at Mountain Talk Radio 97.1 and then at Mountain Home KTLO 97.9. Webb then visited with area Republican leaders, potential candidates, pending activities, and the new RPA website activity. Webb returned to speak to the Baxter County Republican Committee in the evening and recognized 18 year old committee member, Richard Caster. for Caster's volunteer work sponsoring the Ozark Tea Party as an independent conservative outreach to the public.

Tags: Baxter County, Doyle Webb, guest speaker, Listening Tour, Republican Party of Arkansas, RPA To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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