Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) discusses Americans' skepticism of Democrats' proposals for a government-run health care plan. Sen. Hatch lays out four area of agreement a bipartisan reform could start from, but laments Democrats' fiscally unsustainable direction. |
. . . So, why are Americans so skeptical of and concerned with the approach of the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress? A big reason for this concern is that nearly 85 percent of Americans have coverage and they are really worried about what reform means for them. Especially our seniors. And these concerns are moving from kitchen table conversations to town hall discussions.
I am disappointed about the attempts to characterize the behavior of Americans expressing their concerns as ‘un-American.’ Although I strongly encourage the use of respectful debate in these town halls, we should not be stifling these discussions. There is nothing ‘un-American’ about disagreements. In fact, our great nation was founded on speaking our minds.
Families are voicing their concerns because they feel like they are not being heard in Washington and I’m here to tell you that your voices are coming through and it is essential for all of you to be involved in this issue.
Republicans in Congress agree with the majority of Americans who believe that just throwing more taxpayer dollars at a problem will not deliver meaningful reform. Telling the American public that the solution for solving a $2.5 trillion health care system is to simply spend another trillion dollars in our current economy, just does not make sense. Especially at a time when spending and debt are multiplying with such alarming speed, like an almost $2 trillion national deficit this year alone, $200 billion in state deficits, a Medicare program on the edge of bankruptcy and a national debt that will triple within the next decade.
There are several areas of consensus that can form the basis for a sustainable, fiscally responsible and bipartisan reform. These include:Reforming the health insurance market for every American by making sure that no American is denied coverage simply based on a pre-existing condition. Protecting the coverage for almost 85 percent of Americans who already have coverage – coverage they like – by making it more affordable. This means reducing costs by rewarding quality and coordinated care, giving families more information on the cost and choices of their coverage and treatment options, discouraging junk lawsuits against doctors and hospitals and promoting prevention and wellness measures like quitting smoking and living a healthier lifestyle. Giving states flexibility to design their own unique approaches to reduce uninsured. Empowering small businesses and self-employed entrepreneurs – the job-creating engines and lifeblood of our economy – to buy affordable coverage for their employees . . .
Tags: Health Care Reform, Orrin Hatch, Senate Republicans, US Congress To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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