by William J. Murray: Left-wing nutcase billionaire George Soros plunked down many millions of dollars to help Barack Obama win the Democratic primary. The same George Soros owned a huge stake in the Brazilian oil giant Petrobras. Since Barack Obama was sworn into office Soros has bought hundreds of millions of dollars more of Petrobras stock. President Obama, who says he is against drilling for oil offshore in the United States, then ordered the US Export - Import Bank to guarantee $2 billion in loans to Petrobras to drill offshore in Brazil. The loan guarantees by the Obama Administration caused the stock to jump 10% in a day making George Soros more millions of dollars to spend on far left-wing causes. I highly recommend Petrobras stock (PDR). The company is under the wing of the Obama Administration and has huge offshore oil reserves that Obama will help develop. NOTE: some liberal media outlets are reporting that Soros had sold his Petrobras stock. This is NOT true. Just before the US loan guarantee Soros
traded some of his common stock for preferred stock which then shot up in value.
Tags: Barack Obama, Brazil, crude oil, George Soros, Petrobras, William J. Murray To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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