Public Policy Polling: Our fifth monthly national survey matching up Barack Obama against some possible 2012 opponents . . . Huckabee comes the closest to Obama that he has yet, trailing just 47-44. That's tightened since the President led 48-42 a month ago. Huckabee also has the best overall favorability rating of the Republican quartet we tested, at 45/28. Huckabee is not the most popular candidate among GOP voters.
While 66% of them have a favorable opinion of him, 72% have a favorable opinion of Sarah Palin. . . . In her head to head contest with Obama, Palin is down 52-38 after her 51-43 deficit a month ago . . .
After Huckabee, Mitt Romney polls the closest to Obama and also has the second best net favorability rating, at 37/34. He trails 47-40 in a head to head. . . . Newt Gingrich, seemingly the least likely nominee of the bunch, trails Obama 49-41 and has a 33/42 negative favorability rating. [Full story]
Tags: 2012, exit polls, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, presidential candidates, Sarah Palin To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Poll: Huckabee Leading as Contender for 2012
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