Arkansans, as a free people, should be allowed to publicly express their concerns to their senators or congressman in an open forum available to a free press and without controls by bullies and thugs. Congressmen Snyder and Ross are commended for doing this very thing. We don't want our voices hidden away in a controlled "tele-townhall" meeting. We want to be heard without prejudgment as being "un-American" for using our 1st Amendment rights. For some reason, elected officials like Blanche Lincoln have forgotten that they are not plantation owners and we are not plantation workers or servants to be bullied.
Lincoln was not elected by the Washington elites and lobbyists with whom she associates. All Arkansas, from the backwaters of the Delta to the high points of the Ozarks, are equal citizens. Lincoln when campaigning promised to be our servant, to represent us the voters and people of Arkansans and not other States, the president, fellow senators, lobbyists, illegal aliens, visitors, or government programs. And, now we want her to listen!
Chairman of the Democratic Party of Arkansas Todd Turner quickly responded to Webb's press conference saying, “Today, Republican Party of Arkansas Chairman Doyle Webb again attacked Arkansas Democrats in an effort to disrupt and distract attention from the important public policy discussions going on in America right now…. Apparently Republicans are so dependent on manufacturing disruptions at town-hall meetings and staging events to distract from an honest dialogue, the Republican Party of Arkansas was enraged by our e-mail last week calling them out for it.”
The Democrats also immediately released a video which indicates that they are very worried. The video challenged Webb's concern with a lack of town hall meetings on health care. It claims that Lincoln has held meetings. But again these meetings were not open to the general public and were not town hall meetings. Jason Tolbert sums up the video best by stating in The Tolbert Report: "[M]y interview with Sen. Lincoln shows one interesting fact about some fiction contained in the video from the DPA. When I asked Sen. Lincoln why she is not hosting any town hall meetings her response is not to say this is incorrect rather it is to point out that she previously hosted meetings in April and in July. For the DPA to claim that her scheduled events are equivalent to hosting an open forum is disingenuous at best.
The RPA released a copy of the following letter which Doyle has sent to Sen. Lincoln.
"Since the founding of the United States, people have been exercising the freedom and responsibility to question their elected representatives. The current public political debate resembles the enthusiasm of our nation's first 100 years. A U.S. Senator referring to The People as "disrespectful" and "un-American" for calling on their Representatives is appalling. Senator Lincoln's statements are indicative of the elitist Washington D.C. arrogance and mentality that continues to dismiss the voice of Middle America. The citizens of this country deserve honest answers to their questions." - Source Unknown but well said!August 11, 2009
Sen. Blanche Lincoln
United States Senate
355 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-0404
Dear Senator Lincoln,
As you make your way around Arkansas during Congress’ annual August work period, I encourage you clarify your comment that those who question the current health care reform proposals are “un-American.” Pelosi and Hoyer wrote, “these disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American.” I understand that you have now apologized for using that word, but I believe you still need to answer several questions for the benefit of your fellow Arkansans, your constituents.
After reading House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s op-ed in USA Today yesterday, I notice similar language between you and your Democratic colleagues. The use of the same exact word by your Democratic colleagues raises several questions:
1. Sen. Lincoln, what exactly do you mean by saying these people are ‘un-American?”
2. Did you make your comments on your own volition, or were you reading from Democratic talking points?
3. In an interview with Jason Tolbert of The Tolbert Report Blog on Monday, Aug. 10, 2009, you offered an apology, saying “I probably misspoke when using that word… It was a poor choice of words and I never intended for it to be meant that way.” You used the word “probably.” Will you not say that you definitely misspoke?
4. Also, in your interview with Tolbert, when asked if Nancy Pelosi should apologize for using the word “un-American” you said, “I don’t know how she used it but possibly she should.” Now that you know the context, should she apologize?
Many hard-working Arkansans are worried about the idea of universal health care and want to share those concerns with their elected officials. I can think of nothing more patriotic than providing Americans the opportunity to exercise their right to freedom of speech.
As far back as 1776, turning points in our history were made by people facing the courage of their convictions. I am proud to see Arkansans take a stand on health care. Sen. Lincoln, why do you and your fellow Democrats disparage those who speak out against a proposal that would lead to more government control and less personal liberty? Surely you know that from the nation’s beginning arguments were made with emotion, passion, volume and, yes, anger, practiced by our Founding Fathers in Independence Hall when our nation’s independence was being debated.
The Republican Party welcomes the opportunity to hear from those concerned about the future of health care in America. Sen. Lincoln, I encourage you to listen to the people of Arkansas, not your fellow Democrats in Washington. It’s not time to silence the debate, it’s time to engage in it. Further, I look forward to hearing your responses to my questions.
Doyle Webb
Chairman, Republican Party of Arkansas
Tags: Blanche Lincoln, David Letterman, Doyle Webb, health care, press conference, Republican Party of Arkansas, RPA, Town Hall, Townhall To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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