Breaking News
Monday, August 17, 2009

Info Post
by Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families: With the nation’s attention riveted on unfolding drama over healthcare reform, two issues of tremendous concern to millions of Americans have re-emerged: same-sex “marriage” and religious liberty. As is almost always the case, the Left is re-igniting the culture war by attempting to impose its values on the rest of society through the most undemocratic means possible – the courts.
  • There are several lawsuits pending in federal court seeking to strike down the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). In legal briefs filed today, the Obama Justice Department clearly put itself on the side of those seeking to declare the law null and void. While the Administration begrudgingly acknowledged that it was obligated to defend federal laws, including DOMA, it is doing so in this case only half-heartedly. With a wink and a nod to sympathetic judicial activists, Justice Department attorneys told the court, “The administration believes the Defense of Marriage Act is discriminatory and should be repealed.” The Obama Administration is begging the court to strike down the only federal law that protects the citizens of 30 states who have voted to protect the traditional meaning of marriage.
  • One month from today, a north Florida high school principal, Frank Lay, and the school’s athletic director, Robert Freeman, will stand trial in federal court on criminal charges. Their crime: praying on public property. The charges stem from actions instigated by ACLU radicals, who have been cheerleaders for Obama’s leftwing agenda.

    According to the Washington Times, on January 28th, the school hosted a lunch for employees and community members who had “helped with a school field-house project.” Before the lunch, the principal asked the school’s athletic director to bless the food. No students were present at the lunch, yet that blessing may cost both men $5,000 in fines and six months in jail. Mathew Staver of the Liberty Counsel is representing the men in court. Staver told the Times, “I have been defending religious freedom issues for 22 years, and I’ve never had to defend to somebody who has been charged criminally for praying.”
Barack Obama promised us “hope and change.” He was supposed to unite the nation, bridge partisan divides and heal wounds. Instead, Obama and his radical allies are trying to redefine marriage and send Christians to jail for praying. That’s certainly change, but not much hope for the millions of Americans who cherish the values of faith, family and freedom.

Tags: ACLU, culture war, Defense of Marriage, DOMA, Gary Bauer, gay agenda, gay marriage, left-wing, prayer, praying To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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