As we talked about the hate crimes bill, we told you that these terms were intentionally left undefined and the House refused to limit them in any way, including the protection of pedophilia. Under this legislation pedophilia and other degenerate behaviors become protected classes of people. This bill would make it a crime to "discriminate" against them in the hiring process.
Not only will this be used to force churches and other religious organizations to hire homosexuals, it could even be used to prevent a daycare facility from "discriminating" against a known pedophile!
These statements sound so outrageous that it seems impossible that this could really happen in America. But we have given you examples of how legislation like this has been used, not only in other countries, but right here in the United States. We told you the story of David Ott who was arrested for sharing his faith at a car wash because of a state hate crimes law.
We told you the story of Elaine Huguenin who was sued when she declined to have her photography company provide services for a same-sex "commitment" ceremony. Her company lost the suit and had to pay thousands in damages to the "couple."
These same attacks on our freedoms are now being brought into the workplace, and the legislation will be applied to churches and religious organizations. Please contact your representative as soon as possible. This bill is scheduled to have its first hearing in the House tomorrow, September 23rd. Contact your US. Representative! The price of freedom is vigilance. Please continue to stand up for what you believe and protect your freedom. We need to have a large groundswell of opposition to this bill so please encourage your friends to contact their representatives as well.
Tags: Barney Frank, EDNA, gay agenda, gender identity, Kerby Anderson, pedophile, Point of View, Religious Freedom To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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