by Jim Meyers: Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton said President Barack Obama's address to the U.N. was "unprecedented" and "unpresidential" as he sought to distance himself from the previous administration. . . .
"I have never seen an American president give a speech at the United Nations that spent so much time contrasting his administration with the previous administration," Bolton observed. ". . . I was struck by how personal it was, and I must say how unpresidential."
Obama also stated: "Democracy cannot be imposed on any nation from the outside...America has too often been selective in its promotion of democracy." Bolton commented: ". . . these repeated efforts by the president in this speech to say implicitly, I am not George Bush, is I think unprecedented. "And I think it’s carrying an American political debate, which is legitimate to have, into the international arena. That is particularly what I find unpresidential."
Bolton also said that in his address Obama "put Israel on the chopping block. I don’t think there’s ever been a speech by an American president, let alone one at the United Nations, that was so critical of Israel." [Full Story: "Bolton: Obama Speech Puts Israel on 'Chopping Block'"]
Gary Bauer: Jew Bashing At The U.N. - What a disgusting spectacle. For 96 minutes yesterday, Libya’s Muammar Qadhafi delivered an insane tirade to the U.N. General Assembly, blaming Israel for the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the U.S. military for producing flu viruses to help drug companies get rich. Qadhafi also called Obama “my son” and expressed his hope that Obama would be president forever. National Review is reporting that the Obama Administration has notified Congress that the State Department intends to contribute $400,000 of your tax money to foundations run by Qadhafi’s two children.
. . . After “Muammar the Mad” left the stage, along came the Iranian Shiite fanatic Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, who accused Israel of trying to dominate the world politically and economically. He accused Israel of “crimes” against defenseless Palestinian women and children, when of course it is radical Palestinians who strap explosives on to their children and use them as human bombs. Ahmadinejad continues his march toward nuclear weapons. The day he obtains them, Israel, America and any other nation that believes in the Judeo/Christian values of Western Civilization will be in danger. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke today and called out the U.N. cowards. . . .
And what about President Obama? He mentioned Iran and North Korea a couple of times, but mentioned Israel more than a dozen. He called Israeli homes in established Israeli cities “illegitimate.” And he pointedly said the Israeli “occupation that began in 1967” must end. On both points, he sadly parrots the views of Qadhafi and Ahmadinejad. No wonder that for the first time since its founding in 1947, Israelis see a U.S. president as overtly hostile to their security.
Obama’s Biggest Fan: Himself - Dan Gainor, a weekly columnist in the Fox Forum on Fox News, produced a study finding that Big Media is not Barack Obama’s biggest fan. That honor goes to Barack Obama himself. Gainor says that in 41 speeches this year, not including the disastrous one he gave yesterday at the U.N., Obama used the word “I” or “me” an astonishing 1,200 times. That includes only his 34 weekly addresses and seven major speeches. If we were to count every interview and speech Obama has given since he was inaugurated, the numbers would be off the charts.
Moreover, from his inauguration in January to the seven-month mark in August, Obama conducted 114 interviews. To put that in perspective, in their first seven months in office, Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton did 37 and 41 interviews respectively. If Obama continues at this rate, he will exceed all the interviews by former presidents combined! The man is truly in love with himself. I long for the days when the president spoke to the American people about “us,” not about himself. . . . It appears this president thinks the presidency is all about him when it is suppose to be all about America. [Gary Bauer is Chairman of the Campaign for Working Families]
Tags: anti-Israel, apology, Barack Obama, Gary Bauer, John Bolton, political cartoon, UN, United Nations, William Warren To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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