Bill Smith, Editor: It is clear that the left-wing fringe is playing the Race Card in an effort to misdirect the discussion from addressing the facts about programs and issues of a stumbling presidency. The anchors on the president which may be causing the stumbling are the left-wing radicals who wish to control the president and to keep advancing a socialist agenda. The election proved that Americans were more than willing to have a black person as their president. And, a majority of Americans while upset are still waiting for the person they thought they elected to show up as president. It has been most displeasing to see a president acting self-centered, at times arrogant and too full of himself and castigating the general public and his elders. And, anytime the worst president in modern history, Jimmy Carter, speaks on behalf of a current president it is clear that a presidency is in trouble.
Tags: left-wing, political cartoon, political satire, race card, William Warren To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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