Breaking News
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Info Post
Secure Arkansas, a grassroots organization, has submitted an initiative AMENDMENT to propose a constitutional amendment limiting benefits for illegal aliens to the Arkansas Attorney General, Dustin McDaniel, for approval of the ballot title and popular name. He has ten business days to approve and certify or to return with recommended changes. Last year, a similar initiative tied up in the Attorney General's office for a very long time and this left us too little time to collect signatures.

This initiative is very similar to the act submitted last year by Secure Arkansas. The major difference is that an initiated ACT creates a statute that may be altered or repealed by the Arkansas legislature by a two-thirds vote. The initiated AMENDMENT being submitted this year if passed by the voters may only be changed by another vote of the people, thus insuring the will of the people will be followed.

Another difference is that this initiated amendment will require signatures of 10% of the total number of votes cast for the office of governor in the last general election rather than the 8% required in 2008. However, in 2008, with less than two months' time, Secure Arkansas collected over 57,000 signatures. If the Attorney General does not delay in approving the ballot title and popular name there will be more time to collect the required signatures needed to reach 10% goal by the summer of 2010.
Secure Arkansas identified the following Action Item: Help needed to get the Attorney General's approval. Begin calling the Attorney General's office on Monday, being very polite, and requesting that he expedite his approval. Following are the telephone numbers:  1-800-482-8982 or 501-682-2007.

The time has come to begin our campaign against illegal immigration and the benefits they receive from the taxpayers. You will have a part to play in history as we are going to need your help in more ways than one. We need your money in order to pay for our legal expenses. We also need canvassers, so be sure to forward this to all your friends. NOW is your chance to make a difference, to get involved, and to ensure the will of the people wins out over the corrupt special interests that dominate our state government.

We can turn this thing around. Let's get the job done this time for the sake of our children and grandchildren. For more information, please contact Jeannie Burlsworth at or 501-765-3325

Tags: Arkansas, Attorney General, benefits, Dustin McDaniel, illegal aliens, initiated amendment, Secure Arkansas To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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