Breaking News
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Info Post
by John Allison, III: They're lying through their teeth when they say their goal isn't a single-payer system like Canada's and Great Britain's! Their goal is to eliminate the private health insurance market. Not for the good of the people, but to control the people.

Don't believe it? Watch what they were saying not so long ago.

Ask yourself this question, where are the most economically depressed areas in the country? The major metropolitan areas that have been run by left wing liberals for decades have the highest crime rates and the highest poverty rates of anywhere in the country. All the promises liberals have made to these constituencies have never come to fruition!

Why on Earth would you believe their pie-in-the-sky promises on health care?
- They took over Amtrak and said it would be profitable again within 3 years. Almost 40 years later, it's still billions in the red.
- The post office loses billions every year.
- The VA health care system attempts to steer vets to throw in the towel and decide life isn't worth living. This government-run health care system is well known for the substandard care it provides.
- According to Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL), approximately 1/3 of all the files in the custody of the government are lost.

Again I ask, is this who you want tasked with "fixing" the health care system. Do you trust these same bureaucrats to keep costs down? I don't. And I certainly don't believe their lies, because they've wanted a single payer system for a long time!

Tags: Alan Grayson, Amtrak, Christian Values, Democrats, health care, John Allison III, Obama, Obama Lies, Obamacare, Post Office, Single payer system To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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