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Monday, September 14, 2009

Info Post
by William J. Murray, Chairman Religious Freedom Coalition: CRAZY AS AN OUT HOUSE RAT? - That is how one journalist referred to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. I can't agree with him though, because I believe the situation with her is far worse than that. Nancy Pelosi is a rich white liberal who lives in a fantasy world of her own creation, and who has purchased a seat in Congress. She can afford to maintain a private home staff to take care of everything from washing her underwear to managing her wealth. Her husband is a developer who make huge sums of money from the government programs she tosses his way. She sees nothing wrong with corruption as long as the ones getting paid off are liberals like herself, who "champion the poor." The sad part of this: Nancy Pelosi is next in line after Vice President Biden to take over the presidency. Should something happen to Obama and Biden, we would have someone to the far left of Hugo Chavez in the White House, a woman who lives in a constant state of fantasy. Pray for our nation!

WHEN SANITY RULED CONGRESS - The Journals of the Continental Congress record that on Wednesday, September 7, 1774 at 9:00 AM the Congress voted to thank Rev. Mr. Duche for the prayer he gave at the beginning of the session. This was the first official prayer in the Congress to anyone's knowledge. The text of the prayer can be read on the website of the Office of the Chaplain of the House.

Tags: congress, crazy, house rat, House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, prayer, US House, William J. Murray To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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