by William J. Murray, Chairman Religious Freedom Coalition: OBAMA AND THE TINKERBELL EFFECT: If you have Tinkerbell to call on, life is pretty easy. You just make a wish, and poof -- it comes to pass. As I watched President Barack Obama (or Barry Soetoro or whatever his real name is), I was stunned by the Tinkerbell effect that surrounds him.
During the speech he told seniors that he would not change Medicare. A few sentences later he said he would abolish Medicare Advantage which has millions of participants. Obama plans to "save" half a trillion in Medicare payments to pay for his "Obama-care" program, while at the same time making Medicare better. Was that distraction during his talk Tinkerbell jumping from Nancy Pelosi's shoulder to his shoulder?
His 9/9/09 speech to the joint session was so full of outright fantasies it is just hard to address them all. The current state of medical care in the United States is not the real issue here; it is the liberal fantasy of creating a utopia that Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the "progressives" envision. They believe that government can provide medical care and a minimum living standard for all Americans, while shutting down "polluting" factories, ending war, and sort of peacefully merging Christianity and Islam.
MEDICARE AS A MODEL? - During his address Barack Obama talked of using Medicare as a model. Why on earth would he say that? First of all, Medicare is going broke. It is so underfunded that there is no way to pay the benefits of even the Baby-boomer generation. Second, it is subsidized by private insurance. Medicare payout rates are so low that doctors and hospitals have to charge others more. To get a true picture of Medicare as a model, read this Wall Street Journal Online Op-ed.
Tags: Barack Obama, medicare, nationalized health care, Obamacare, Tinkerbell, William J. Murray To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Obama, the Tinkerbell Effect, and Medicare as a Model
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