Breaking News
Monday, July 19, 2010

Info Post
By Patrick L Booth, Contributing Author: Clearly, America has made a mistake that needs remedying as soon as possible. Today, while perusing the daily headlines at Fox News and World Net Daily I see that our ruling class, the liberal elitist progressives we mistakenly elected to office during the last cycle, doesn't know what happened to the jobs that were expected to be created by the BILLIONS of dollars of debt they incurred for us. The recession lingers on, millions continue out of work and receiving unemployment payments, and the economy shows little sign of recovery but the overpaid Harvard, Princeton, and Yale graduates who Obama has placed in positions of authority have not the first clue as to where the jobs have gone. Nancy, "The Moron", Pelagrosi said but a week ago that the unemployment payments were a great stimulus and job building program.

Well, get a clue! Jobs are created by businesses and manufacturing which the stimulus bill did not actually assist. Where jobs increased was in Government throughout the nation and those few banks that were propped up by Government loans instead of allowing them to fail as they should have. Eventually all that debt (more than ONE TRILLION this year alone) is going to have to be repaid to someone by the tax payers of this nation. Social Security (which has never put any of the collected monies into an actual trust fund as we were promised) is now BROKE. Yup, SS no longer is a pay as you go program since it now spends more than it takes in. Government in the US, at both the state and federal levels, is broken. And we, the voters and taxpayers, are responsible. We either elected morons incapable of management or we elected a group successful in their quest to destroy the nation. It can only be one or the other because the nation is being destroyed.

There is only one available cure outside of an open revolt, vote all of them out of office. The incumbent DNC most go.

Oh, I've read all about how bad Bush was and how the GOP mismanaged the nation for so long. Bunkum. Fannie Mae and the failing banks were all controlled and regulated by Democrats and the laws that caused them to fail were written by Democrats. The GOP failure was to not set right the things that were made wrong by the amoral Socialists we laughingly refer to as Democrats while they were in power the last time. Since the GOP has become so weak and unable to raise decent leadership, the DNC went wild with power and is doing all in its power to ruin our free market system that made the US the wealthiest nation in history. The DNC has been taken over by Socialists. Even Pravda, the Russian news service noticed and decried our descent into socialism. Fire them all. Start with the idiot, [Sen] Claire McCaskle [D. MO], who actually thinks Obama and his goons are doing superior jobs. If our destruction is what is wanted, she is right, otherwise ...
PL Booth is an aviator, biker, lover of the Constitution, citizen activist and blogs in the Missouri Ozark Mountain at the Blue Eye View.

Tags: PL Booth, Blue Eye, Stupid, DNC, Claire McCaskle, failure, Obama Administration, lost jobs, unemployment, the economy To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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