Guardian UK: Michele Bachmann, queen of the right
CityPages: Michele Bachmann blows Sarah Palin a big fundraising thank you kiss
Swamp: Bachmann creates tea party caucus
EJ Dionne: Are Democrats chuckling about Michele Bachmann's Tea Party?
Hill: Rep. Bachmann slams Rep. Jackson Lee over claims of racism in the Tea Party
Gallup: Palin's 76% Favorable Among Republicans Tops Others in GOP
WSJ: Palin's Ground Game Spurs Campaign Buzz
Des Moines Register: Gallup on Palin: As in Iowa, a GOP hit who divides others
AP/Williams: Whitman opposes minimum wage, furloughs orders
Politico: California tracking fight gets heated
LA Times: Boxer, Fiorina present contrasting views of California
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NYT: Palin Wades Into Republican Midterm PrimariesCSM: Sarah Palin leads the GOP presidential pack for 2012
AP/Burke: Palin earned $75k to speak at Calif university
Hill: Sarah Palin and Andrew Jackson
Newsweek: Are Palin’s ‘Mama Grizzlies’ Feminist?
American Thinker: Sarah Rising
ARRA News: You Don't Want to Mess With the Momma Gizzly
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Tags: Republican, women, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Nikki Haley, Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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