Breaking News
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Info Post
Bill Smith, Editor: This morning, Fox News Commentator Dick Morris spoke to packed crowd in Mountain Home, Arkansas at the Arkansas Americans For Prosperity November is Coming rally. Mountain Home was the starting point for 3 days of events in Arkansas with other planned stops in Jonesboro, Searcy, Little Rock, Hot Springs Village, and Texarkana. Over 700 people showed up by 8:30 a.m. to welcome Morris to the Ozarks on a hot humid day. The event was held at the Baxter County Fair Ground's educational building. The only complaint by anyone was that they wished Mountain Home had been one of the evening stops so that all working family members and their kids and grandkids could have been at the event.

Before the event Dick Morris went live on Mountain Talk Radio 97.1, a very popular conservative radio stations in the region. The Ozark TEA Party founder, 19 year old Richard Caster opened the event and warmed up the crowd. Caster has become a favorite son for the people and was recently was elected and will be Arkansas youngest elected County JP at the age of 19.

DC Morrison, a self declared Conservative Democrat, spoke next. He detailed his reasons for running against Sen Blanch Lincoln in the Democratic Primary and acknowledged that the Arkansas Democrat party has been taken over by elitist who do not represent the values of Arkansans anymore. He also identified that the Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel has his eyes set on being the next Governor of Arkansas and reminded the people that Dustin McDaniel was Barack Obama's campaign manager in Arkansas.

Dick Morris then took the stage and the people were very happy to let him know they appreciated his coming to this area of the Ozarks. Everyone knew who Dick Morris was and all knew his former work with the former President Bill Clinton. It wasn't like a joyous event of welcoming a repentant sinner who has shown a change of heart and in this person with a proven track record for measuring politics and currently for championing the conservative cause. Although the audience was not a Republican audience, a lot of Republicans attended. But the most people were "former democrats" leaning independent or independents. Everyone claimed to be a conservative.

Morris did not hide from his past involvement with the Democrats and discussed the years when Democrats had been conservative in the heartland of America. He then detailed that "today there no such thing as a Conservative Democrat and claiming to be such is an anachronism." He said today there are only "Obama, Reid, Pelosi Democrats." He also shared that using the word Socialism to describe our country is not correct because most people love freedom and the Constitution. But, he said "socialism is a statistic" and measures the degree to which government controls the people. He pointed out that in Great Britain and other European countries control 40% of peoples and are in a type of "European Scoliosis," i.e., crooked condition, which makes it so no one is able to do anything. In the past, the U.S. Government control of people's lives was around 30%. But, under President Obama this control has been pushed upward and is projected to control the lives of over 40% of American. He rallied the audience with "November is Coming," and that we need to replace Democrats and drive this percentage of control down again.
He said, "Obama wants us to look to Government and not to do it for ourselves". He also identified that  Obama and his administration is "bleeding the economy" via Government spending and borrowing to create jobs. But these jobs are not free market jobs and the increased spending and borrowing creases more debt which is lean our children and grandchildren's futures. He then focused on Obama's plan for redistribution of health care and how three years from now, people over 65 under ObamaCare will be denied services. The democrats and the Obama administration are already seeking to remove 500 Billion from aide for the Elderly to be redistribute to other people. "If we don't repeal ObamaCare, then we have rationing."

Morris identified that the first objective is to retake the House and the Senate in 2010. While we want to Repeal ObamaCare, "we will not have a 2/3 majority to override a presidential veto. But Congress could 'zero fund it.'" The program would be there but there would be no funds to pay to operate it. Then Morris  said, "In 2012, we get rid of Barack Obama." He had unanimous support by the crowd.

Morris called on the people of the 1st District to elect Rick Crawford for Congress and identifying that Chad Causey, Rep Marion Berry's chief of staff, is not a conservative and will support the Obama, Pelosi, Reid agenda.

In a separate interview with the media, Morris also took on Senator Blanche Lincoln who supported funding Obama's $500 Billion "spending program for the sake of spending" thus increasing our debt and supporting $18 billion to build a bride to Harry Reid's property. Morris stressed cutting federal spending and cutting the bureaucracy which will also help us cut the interest on the money we have borrowed, and voting Lincoln out of office. Although he did not mention Lincoln's Republican Opponent Rep. John Boozman, Morris headlined a fund raising event last month for John Boozman.

Using the initial stop in Mountain Home as an indicator, Arkansas Americans For Prosperity's "November is Coming" rally will help shape the message and the upcoming elections in Arkansas. Today, in Mountain Home, regardless of your political positions, all is a buzz about Dick Morris coming to town. More Info Online for their continuing schedule of events.

Tags: Dick Morris, AFP, Americans For Prosperity, Arkansas, Mountain Home, Ozark Mountain, Ozarks, rally, November Is Coming, democrats, ObamaCare, redistribution of wealth To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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