Breaking News
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Info Post
The Federal Government spends more than $98,000 every second. They spend $58.8 Million in the time it takes for a 10 minute shower. In the time it takes to listen on hour to either Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, or Stossel, the Federal government burns through a cool $352.8 Million and if you listened to all four for one hour each - well you got the idea - the Feds spent $1.411 Billion during your 4 hours. Imagine the total cost when you ad all the government spending at the State and local level.

A new coalition formed Spending Revolt which shared the following interview in which MSNBC’s Chris Jansing talks with Phil Kerpen with Americans for Prosperity about his group’s goal to try to reign in government spending as the national debt hits 13 trillion. But, the best part is the rant by CNBC Rick Santelli on stopping the Federal spending.

The Coalition is made up of organizations known for addressing the "run away" Federal Government big spending, waster and fraud: Americas for Prosperity, 60 Plus Association, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, and Council for Citizens Against Government Waste. Share this post with family and friends and then sign the Spending Revolt Pledge. Then Express yourself at the polls on November 2. It is time for the big spenders to be held responsible.

Tags: stop the spending, Federal spending, Spending Revolt, MSNBC, video, Americas for Prosperity, 60 Plus Association, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, Council for Citizens Against Waste To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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