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Friday, July 23, 2010

Info Post
Folks, I have been following the efforts and advancement of Christine O'Donnell in a race to replace former Sen, now VP Joe Biden as the Senator from Delaware. She is an absolutely superb candidate over an old establishment RINO type candidate by the name of Mike Castle. If elected, she could be the key to helping to stop the Obama/Reid/Pelosi socialist agenda right in its tracks. A lot of shenanigans can be expected during the lame duck session, and we don't need someone like Mike Castle as a placeholder for the democrats who will also vote with the liberal verses conservative agenda. Thus, I commend to you the following article by Eric Odem. If you know someone in Delaware, encourage them to vote Christine O'Donnell. Also consider sending $5, $10 or more to her campaign. Let's stop both the Democrats and the RINOs.
by Eric Odem, The Activist Traveler: I don’t know why this hasn’t made the rounds yet, but what I’m about to write is explosive and should have the entire liberty movement ready to act.

As my good friend Robert Stacy McCain wrote this morning, Christine O’Donnell is now gaining significant ground against liberal Republican Mike Castle in the special election to replace Joe Biden in 2010.

Pay close attention to that last part there… “the special election to replace Joe Biden in 2010.” Keep that thought in the pocket for a minute, and go read John Fund’s post about the Lame Duck session the Democrats are planning to use as a last ditch effort to push through bad bills that will fail once they lose power.
The most important part for the purpose of this post is here:
There have been signs in recent weeks that party leaders are planning an ambitious, lame-duck session to muscle through bills in December they don’t want to defend before November. Retiring or defeated members of Congress would then be able to vote for sweeping legislation without any fear of voter retaliation.
The U.S. Senate will provide Democrats with a solid opportunity because Scott Brown, the Republican who is now acting and voting like a Democrat, will likely help them pass some of these bad laws in a lame duck session.

Now back to that special election in Delaware…
Because the election to replace Joe Biden is a special election, the winner would be immediately seated. You see what I’m getting at?

Now depending on who wins, this could be a blessing or a curse. Let me explain…
Liberal Republican Mike Castle is literally the most far left Republican in Congress right now. The laws he’s passed are staggering when it comes to direct violations of his oath to protect the rights and liberties of Americans.

Not only does Mike Castle carry water for the far left Obama administration (his recent votes in support of Financial Regulation and Cap-and-trade are perfect examples), Castle co-authored the potentially disastrous “Grassroots Gag Order,” or Disclose Act that would possibly hit the Senate for a vote in the lame duck. This means that Mike Castle would be able to vote on these laws twice. And we already know how he’ll vote.

So you see, Mike Castle would almost certainly vote WITH the Democrats and join their efforts to force bad laws upon the American people in a lame duck session.

The movement has hope, however, in that tea party Candidate Christine O’Donnell is now surging in the Republican Primary race and Mike Castle is slipping significantly. Christine O’Donnel would, without a doubt, strongly oppose and vote against these bad laws and she would stand tall with the American people in the process.

According to a recent Rasmussen Poll, both Christine O’Donnell and Mike Castle would beat Democrat Chris Coons in the general election.

Do you see the implications here? This makes the Delaware Senate race the most important Senate race in the country for the movement. If Mike Castle wins, the Democrats and Obama get to push their agenda on us. If Christine O’Donnell wins, Democrats are stopped dead in their tracks.

The tea party candidate in the Delaware Senate race could derail the plans of the left. That is, if we can help her cross the finish line and win.

With this in mind, I strongly encourage you to visit and do what needs to be done.

Tags: Delaware, US Senate, candidate, Christine O'Donnell, Mike Castle, lame duck session, liberal agenda, Election 2010 To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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