Bills That Cost Thousands Of Americans Their Jobs
“‘If We Had Healthcare Sooner, If We Had Energy Sooner, If We Had An Education Bill Sooner – They Are All Three Pillars Of Job Creation – And That Would Have Resulted In More Jobs Created By Now,’ Pelosi (D-Calif.) Told Reporters Thursday At Her Weekly Press Conference.” (“Pelosi Blames Senate Delays For Bleak Election Year Landscape,” The Hill, 7/15/10)
National Federation of Independent Business: “The Unconstitutional New Mandates, Countless Rules And New Taxes In The Healthcare Law Will Devastate Their Business And Their Ability To Create Jobs.” “Today the NFIB joined the 20 states in this historic lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The fundamental mission of our organization is to promote and protect the rights of small businesses and the self-employed to own, operate and grow their business, and this healthcare law directly undermines this core value. … Small business owners everywhere are rightfully concerned that the unconstitutional new mandates, countless rules and new taxes in the healthcare law will devastate their business and their ability to create jobs.” (NFIB, Press Release, 5/14/10)
“Many Tanning Experts Believe The Tax Could Cut Nearly 9,000 Jobs As Well.” (“Indoor Tanning Salons Will Help Pay For Health Care Under New Bill,” WBTW-CBS [SC], 3/28/10)
“A Dire Warning From Bay State Medical-Device Companies That A New Sales Tax In The Federal Health-Care Law Could Force Their Plants - And Thousands Of Jobs - Out Of The Country Has Rattled Gov. Deval Patrick, a staunch backer of the law and pal President Obama.” (“Beware The ‘Jobs Killer’,” Boston Herald, 3/25/10)
“A Study By The National Center For Policy Analysis Shows That Tax Credits In The New Healthcare Law Could Negatively Impact Small-Business Hiring Decisions.” (“Report: Healthcare Law Tax Credits Encourage Small Businesses To Stay Small, Not Hire,” The Hill, 5/23/10)
“Many Tanning Experts Believe The Tax Could Cut Nearly 9,000 Jobs As Well.” (“Indoor Tanning Salons Will Help Pay For Health Care Under New Bill,” WBTW-CBS [SC], 3/28/10)
“A Dire Warning From Bay State Medical-Device Companies That A New Sales Tax In The Federal Health-Care Law Could Force Their Plants - And Thousands Of Jobs - Out Of The Country Has Rattled Gov. Deval Patrick, a staunch backer of the law and pal President Obama.” (“Beware The ‘Jobs Killer’,” Boston Herald, 3/25/10)
“A Study By The National Center For Policy Analysis Shows That Tax Credits In The New Healthcare Law Could Negatively Impact Small-Business Hiring Decisions.” (“Report: Healthcare Law Tax Credits Encourage Small Businesses To Stay Small, Not Hire,” The Hill, 5/23/10)
“A New Law That Cuts Banks Out Of The Federal Student Loan Business Is Costing 2,500 Workers At Sallie Mae Their Jobs. The nation's largest student lender has told 1,200 staffers in service centers in Killeen, Texas, and Panama City, Fla., they will lose their jobs by year-end. The remaining cuts will follow in 2011, resulting in nearly a third of the company's total work force of 8,000 losing their jobs.” (“2,500 Sallie Mae Jobs Fall To New Student Loan Law,” AP, 4/22/10)
CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf: “The Net Effect Of That[The Democrat Energy Bill] We Think Would Likely Be Some Decline In Employment.” “President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats championing the bill have said mandating greenhouse-gas caps, renewable energy and efficiency standards would be a boon to an ailing economy, creating new low-carbon industries. … ‘The net effect of that we think would likely be some decline in employment during the transition because labor markets don't move that fluidly,’ [CBO Director Douglas] Elmendorf said, testifying before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. ‘The fact that jobs turn up somewhere else for some people does not mean there aren't substantial costs borne by people, communities, firms and affected industries,’ he said.” (“Congressional Budget Chief Says Climate Bill Would Cost Jobs,” The Wall Street Journal, 10/14/09)
According To Business Groups, If The Democrat Energy Bill Were Enacted, “By 2030, There Are Between 1,790,000 And 2,440,000 Fewer Jobs In The Overall Economy.” “Employment is negatively impacted by Waxman Markey, even when additional ‘green’ jobs are factored in. Over the 2012-2030 period, total U.S. employment averages between 420,000 and 610,000 fewer jobs each year under the low and high cost scenarios than under the baseline forecast. By 2030, there are between 1,790,000 and 2,440,000 fewer jobs in the overall economy.” (“Analysis Of The Waxman-Markey Bill ‘ The American Clean Energy And Security Act Of 2009’ (H.R.2454),” American Council For Capital Formation & The National Association Of Manufacturers, P.3-4, 8/12/09)
According To Business Groups, If The Democrat Energy Bill Were Enacted, “By 2030, There Are Between 1,790,000 And 2,440,000 Fewer Jobs In The Overall Economy.” “Employment is negatively impacted by Waxman Markey, even when additional ‘green’ jobs are factored in. Over the 2012-2030 period, total U.S. employment averages between 420,000 and 610,000 fewer jobs each year under the low and high cost scenarios than under the baseline forecast. By 2030, there are between 1,790,000 and 2,440,000 fewer jobs in the overall economy.” (“Analysis Of The Waxman-Markey Bill ‘ The American Clean Energy And Security Act Of 2009’ (H.R.2454),” American Council For Capital Formation & The National Association Of Manufacturers, P.3-4, 8/12/09)
Tags: Nancy Pelosi, Pillars of Socialism, Health care bill, Energy bill, cap-and-trade, Education bill To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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