Today, President Obama used a recess appointment to install Dr. Donald Berwick, a 63-year-old pediatrician as administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services without a Senate vote. Berwick’s nomination has been controversial since President Obama first put his name forward because of effusive praise for the British National health Care system and for his comments suggesting health care needs to be rationed. President Obama again his determination to strip the American people of their constitution right to have their US Senators input and decide on this appointment.
Speaking on the Senate floor in May, Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) noted two of Berwick’s most controversial statements. “Dr. Berwick . . . is a huge fan, a major champion, and a contributor to the British national health care system called NHS. As a matter of fact, I have a quote of Dr. Berwick regarding the NHS. ‘I am romantic about the National Health Service; I love it. The NHS is not just a national treasure; it is a global treasure.’ . . . Now, why is this important? Because the NHS rations health care. The NHS denies and delays patient access to therapies in regard to breast cancer, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, kidney cancer, macular degeneration—this happens to be my favorite example: patients required to go blind in one eye first before they get treatment for the other eye—and brain tumors. . . . [Another] quote by Dr. Berwick is: ‘The decision is not whether or not we will ration health care—the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.’”
The New York Times noted, “As a recess appointee, Dr. Berwick will have all the powers of a permanent appointee. But under the Constitution, his appointment will expire at the end of the next session of Congress, in late 2011. . . . The recess appointment was somewhat unusual because the Senate is in recess for less than two weeks and senators were still waiting for Dr. Berwick to submit responses to some of their requests for information. No confirmation hearing has been held or scheduled.”
While this is true, the fact that there will now be no Senate hearing on Berwick, his controversial views on rationing health care, and how they relate to the Obama administration’s new health care law is particularly outrageous. Sen. Dr. John Barrasso (R-WY), one of only two doctors in the Senate, said, “This recess appointment is an insult to the American people. Dr. Berwick is a self professed supporter of rationing health care and he won't even have to explain his views to the American people in a Congressional hearing. Once again, President Obama has made a mockery of his pledge to be accountable and transparent.”
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell was no less outraged: “As if shoving a trillion dollar government takeover of health care down the throat of a disapproving American public wasn't enough, apparently the Obama Administration intends to arrogantly circumvent the American people yet again by recess appointing one of the most prominent advocates of rationed health care to implement their national plan. Democrats haven't scheduled so much as a committee hearing for Donald Berwick but the mere possibility of allowing the American people the opportunity to hear what he intends to do with their health care is evidently reason enough for this Administration to sneak him through without public scrutiny. Just over three months after passage of this misguided law, with Americans' worst fears about it being realized every day, the fact that this Administration won't allow the man charged with implementing the President's plan to cut $500 billion out of Medicare to testify about his plans for the care of our nation's seniors is truly outrageous.”
Dr. Donald Berwick can do a lot of damage in two plus years. While the lame stream media mocked Sarah Palin for identifying the elitist's agenda of rationed health care and death panels, we now note the formal rolling out of the rationed health care agenda by Obama's recess appointee. From history, we learn that before the German government moved against the Jews, Hitler had at his side his escort physician Dr. Karl Brandt who lead Hitler’s euthanasia programs.
Hitler, Brandt and others devalued life. Brandt created the organization for killing crippled children, and as National Health Commissioner ordered the murder of mental patients throughout the country. They killed the insane and the elderly under the disguise of economics. Then they moved onto other groups incarcerating them and killing them. Finally they actively pursued their "Final Solution" against the Jews while their country was falling in around them. After the war, Hitler had already committed suicide. Brandt and others were convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity and executed. What insanity are we allowing to be played out in America today? It was American Judges participated in judgment over these former crimes.
In the last two days, we have seen played out an interesting set of choreographed events by President Obama. First, President Obama moved to appease American liberal Jewish population by photo opting the scripted meeting with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who was at the same time not welcome to stay overnight in the White House. In this situation both Barry and Bibi needed something from each other and appeared before the public pleasantly engaged. In reality, Obama has no love for Israel as he does for the Muslim world. However he does need American Jewish voters and their money for this year's election. And Obama does not want to directly attack Iran, the home to one of the Muslim sects. Netanyahu the more experienced in global relationships was willing to suffer limited humiliation for the good of Israel. He needed cover for potential actions against Iran a threat to both Israel and the U.S.
As for the second, it was previously discussed. Obama moves today on the referenced recess appointment to install his own scripted representation of "Dr. Death." Watch-out America, Rationed Health Care has Arrived!
Tags: Washington, D.C., US Senate, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel, Iran, Barack Obama, recess appointment, rationed health care, Donald Berwick, Medicare, Medicaid Services, Germany, Hitler, Karl Brandt, euthanasia To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Today in Washington, D.C. - July 7, 2010 - Watch-out America, Rationed Health Care has Arrived!
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