DOJ at President Obama insistence is suing Arizona over the state's immigration law. At the same time, the President Obama and his administration have ignored the invasion of America on our Southern borders especially on Dept of Interior lands in Arizona where murder and rape are occurring. It is obvious that Obama is playing politics verses being the President of the LEGAL (lawful) citizens of the Unites States. Both Arizona's Senators Jon Kyle and John McCain were aghast at DOJ suing Arizona. Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell said, “Suing the people of Arizona for attempting to do a job the federal government has utterly failed to execute will not help secure our borders. If the President wants to make real progress on this issue, he can do so by taking amnesty off the table and focus his efforts on border and interior security. It is long past time for this administration to prioritize solving a crisis over imposing an agenda and the first step is to recognize that attorneys and amnesty are not acceptable alternatives to border security and job creation.”
Yesterday the editor of ARRA News Services addressed Speaker Pelosi pushing action to attach a document to the House proposed War Supplemental Bill which is "Deeming Budget Passed Without A Budget." Now we learn that Speaker Pelosi also attached a $10 billion political slush fund identified as state education funding to the pending war supplemental bill last week. The proposed funds would be used to bail out bankrupt states like California and New York that refuse to make necessary cuts to balance their budgets, and whose teacher unions have run up an unsustainable tab for taxpayers. Bill Wilson of Americans for Limited Government responded: " Nancy Pelosi's House is willing to put the mission in jeopardy by holding the supplemental hostage to a bailout of their favored political constituency. This is unacceptable to the American people, who expect troops in harm's way to be funded without controversy. The Senate must do its part to remove any public union bailouts and pass a clean war supplemental."
It’s been a few days since the last story detailing the negative consequences of President Obama’s massive, unpopular health care law, which was the costly tanning tax hitting small business owners across the country going into effect last week. But sure enough, there’s another today. The Cleveland Plain Dealer has a must-read article explaining how restaurants across the country, and especially Ohio-based White Castle are going to have much higher expenses face fines, and may even be forced to lay off workers thanks to the health care bill.
The Plain Dealer reports, “The White Castle hamburger chain fears that a health insurance reform law adopted earlier this year will put its profits on a downward slide. The Columbus-based family owned restaurant chain . . . says a single provision in the bill will eat up roughly 55 percent of its yearly net income after 2014. Starting that year, the bill levies a $3,000-per-employee penalty on companies whose workers pay more than 9.5 percent of household income in premiums for company-provided insurance. White Castle, which currently provides insurance to all of its full-time workers and picks up 70 to 89 percent of their premium costs, believes it will likely end up paying those penalties. The financial hit will make it hard for the company to maintain its 421 restaurants, let alone create new jobs, says company spokesman Jamie Richardson. White Castle employs more than 10,000 people nationwide, and more than 1,200 in Ohio.”
But it’s not just Ohio restaurants that are going to be hit with all these new costs. National Council of Restaurants “vice president Scott Vinson says the entire restaurant industry will have trouble dealing with costs the bill imposes in 2014, including a $2,000-per-worker penalty that companies with more than 50 employees must pay if their workers end up purchasing federally subsidized insurance rather than getting insurance from their employers. ‘There is the expense of actually providing the insurance, then the expense of not providing insurance,’ says Vinson. ‘It will be expensive either way.’”
The Plain Dealer also spoke with George Ebinger of New Jersey, who owns a number of IHOP restaurants. “He figures he will have to raise prices and possibly lay off workers to come up with the $220,000 he anticipates the penalties will cost. ‘We are still figuring out how to deal with this,’ says Ebinger. ‘Ultimately, either businesses will close or consumers will pay more.’”
Reacting to the White Castle news, House Republican Leader John Boehner, who also hails from Ohio said, “The irony is that in the name of expanding health care coverage, the administration is making it harder than ever for unskilled workers to get started in the workforce.”
The Plain Dealer also notes, “White Castle, which began offering health insurance to workers in 1924, is also examining whether it would make financial sense for the company to eliminate health insurance coverage altogether and have all its employees buy insurance on the federal exchange, says Richardson.” And White Castle isn’t the first employer to contemplate doing so.
Wasn’t health care reform supposed to save money on health care? Didn’t Democrats repeatedly promise that if you like your health care plan, you can keep it? Every week Americans are seeing more and more the negative impacts of Democrats’ health care law, which a majority opposed to begin and continue to view unfavorably. It should be repealed and replaced before any more damage is done to the economy and out health care system.
Tags: Washington, D.C., US Senate, US House, US Congress, War Supplemental Defense bill, Nancy Pelosi, earmarks, waste, health care law, job losses, Barack Obama, DOJ, suing Arizona, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Today in Washington, D.C. - July 6, 2010 - Obama & DOJ Sue Arizona - Pelosi Creates Slush Fund for California in Military War Bill - Jobs Lost Due To ObamaCare
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