For much of this 136 years, a significant number of Arkansans were disenfranchised and not treated as equal citizens by the Democrats. Even now, we have forced upon us the memory of the abusive and immoral behavior by a former Democratic Governor each time he returns to Arkansas to promote a fellow Democrat or to support the Obama agenda.
But one of the great offenses by the Democrats has been the continual financial rip off of the people of Arkansas. For years, we were taxed in the name of the public good. But now, an accounting reveals the degree of waste by the Big House (Government) in Little Rock. They have practiced over taxation (political theft) by not returning significant surpluses to those who paid it. Instead, the Democrats perfected the ploy of buying votes via earmarks. They divided up the surplus between the Governor who gets most (half)of the money (after all, he heads the "Big House") and the remainder is divided between the State Senators and Representatives to hand out in their districts thereby influencing people to vote for them. But, the result has been a continual growth of big government with full-time Arkansas state government employment expanding 72% in the last 25 years.
As for Democrats sent to Washington to represent us, sometimes these Democrats represented themselves. For example, consider the farm subsidies pocketed by Rep. Marion Berry and by Senator Blanche Lincoln. In Washington, our Democrat Senators and Representatives have been "lap dogs' for Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. We will consider their voting records another time. For now, consider these key points 1) all 3 of our Democrat Representatives voted for Nancy Peloisi to be Speaker of the House, 2) our 2 Democrat Senators voted for Harry Reid to lead the Senate, and 3) the Democrats sold out by supporting the elitist programs of the East and West Coast and the liberal agenda of Obama, Reid and Pelosi. In reality, they ceased to have a heart for Arkansans.
Arkansans compared to most other States is considered a poor state. We have had enough problems supporting the Democrat programs in Little Rock. We can ill afford or even survive elected Democrats continuing to support the progressive elitist agenda of Reid and Pelosi. While the Democrats have their golden retirements, the rest of us are facing potential servitude under the Obama administration. After having had the Democrats running Arkansas for 136 years, it is critical to change the system by changing both the players and the philosophy. We can begin by electing Republican conservatives to the State offices. And, we must help stop the Obama, Reid, Pelosi take over of America by electing Republicans to Congress in November.
Below is a recently released video by the Republican Party of Arkansas:
The Video's Script: 136 years ago you could purchase a dozen pairs of Levi’s for $13. 136 years ago Hawaii still had a king. And for 136 years Arkansas has been ruled by Democrats. Arkansas Democrats feel they own our state. They have brought us Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, higher taxes and wasteful spending. But November is coming…
This past weekend, as the Republican Party traveled to Independence Day celebrations in Northeast Arkansas, we ran into some trash talk as candidates from both sides of the aisle gave speeches to residents in Corning, Piggott and Portia. In Piggott, Democrat Congressman Marion Berry stood on stage and declared, “I listened to those earlier speeches by the minority party, and I haven’t heard that much trash since I bought a three dollar radio at the doughboy picnic in 1954.” Click here to watch the video!
Mr. Berry, it’s not trash to talk about the United States Constitution. It’s not trash to talk about lower taxes and smaller government. And it is certainly not trash to talk about what’s wrong with Obama’s liberal agenda, which by the way Congressman Marion Berry supports. The Republican Party of Arkansas wonders if his former Chief of Staff, Chad Causey, who is challenging Republican Rick Crawford, feels the same way…
Tags: Arkansas, politics, history, Democrats, 136 years, video, 2010 election, Republicans To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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