With Congress not re-convening until November 13th after the 2012 elections and with the Rep. Paul's retirement from public office, this...
Dictators Endorse Obama
Gary Bauer Gary Bauer, Contributing Author : With tonight's debate focusing on foreign policy, I want to make sure you see the latest ad...
Obama’s Blunders: Foreign Policy Debate Preview
By Frank McCaffrey, ALG brings some laughs in regard to tonight's presidential debate on foreign policy. Will Obama or Romney take up ...
Obama Joins Senate Dems Threatening To Plunge America Over The Fiscal Cliff . . .
. . . Unless The Democrats Get Massive Tax Hikes!! Last week, The Washington Post reported, “President Obama is prepared to veto legisla...
ARRA News Service Endorses Mitt Romney
Dr. Bill Smith, Editor : People have asked, "Does the Arkansas Republican Assembly endorses Mitt Romney, and do you as editor of the A...
Defense Budget Cuts Gamble with National Security
Michael Sandoval, Heritage Investigates : The third and final presidential debate between President Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney ...
2012 Elections Are Upon Us - Classic Obama Toons
by William Warren : Classic Obama Cartoons Part 1 . Duties of The Executive Framing The Debate Without Their Support Your Windmill Kit On T...
Wrong Way Down On a One-Way-Street - Part 5: The Conclusion
From the heart of the The Ozarks, the following letter to the editor is by aka "Buck Angler ." Buck is a mainstream, voting...
Chinese Steel for American Bridges
A lot of Americans including Arkansans are surprised to discover that the second largest steel-producing county in North America is in Ark...
Akansas: Shell Game on Highways, Obamacare, and Issue One
Bill Smith, Editor: The following article about Arkansas is relevant for residents in all states whose government are or may be seeking bac...
Want to vote twice for Obama? Sure... go ahead!
By Dr. Bobby Eberle, GOPUSA : In a stunning undercover video, reporters posing as voters questioned Barack Obama's Organizing for Ame...
Don’t Let Your Vote Be Canceled by Fraud
Phyllis Schlafly by Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum : As we approach a major national election, we hear warnings about many kinds of vote frau...
They Didn’t Riot Over This Video
Bob Morrison and Ken Blackwell Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison, Contributing Authors : After nearly a month of cringing and getting lost in t...
An Obama Top Priority If Reelected: Banning Guns
Chris W. Cox, Executive Director, NRA-ILA : You've heard it from Wayne and me for the past four years. And in Tuesday's presidentia...
Time to Put the Adults Back in Charge of America
"The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama" is a grassroots effort and not an official part of the Mitt Romney Campaign fund raising eff...
President Obama’s Other Libya Scandal
Bob Morrison and Ken Blackwell Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison, Contributing Authors : As presidential debaters clash over the meaning of a R...
Lie often and loud
by William Warren : Candy Crowley shows Barack Obama the path to victory using Saul Alinski's "Rules for Radicals." Tags: Bar...
American Crossroads: "Act of Terror"
American Crossroads : President Obama misled the American people on Libya. This American Crossroads video gets to the bottom of it -- piece ...
Ignoring Serious Facts Will Destroy America
19 DAYS TO THE 2012 ELECTIONS -- 73 DAYS TO TAXMAGEDDON Below are serious facts for your reflects. To survive, American voters must not ig...
Welfare Now the Largest Federal Expense
Republican Study Committee : A report from the independent Congressional Research Service reveals that welfare is now the single largest f...