Breaking News
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Info Post
Bill Smith, Editor: The Tea Party Victory Fund has just released a new campaign video starring the Cleveland area woman who exclaimed that we should “keep Obama in president” because “he gave us a phone”.  The ARRA News Service has written about the original video previously. This vocal declaration by a protester outside of a Romney rally now resulted in her being the center point of campaign ad playing in the State of Ohio. The ad is shown below.

Ken Blackwell is the Chairman for the Tea Party Victory Fund where he works to promote conservative issues and candidates. As many readers already know, Ken Blackwell is also a popular contributor to the ARRA News Service. I called Ken today with a few questions. One of which is highlighted below:
Smith: "Why is the TEA Party Victory Fund was running this ad?"

Blackwell: "We are running this ad to draw a clear bright line between the philosophies, policies, and worldview of the two presidential candidates. This is indeed "a choice" election. Ohioans and other Americans need to make a decision on whether we will empower individuals and families or grow the dependency on the welfare state."
The Tea Party Victory Fund ad shows the following in sequence:

Have Barack Obama’s policies empowered or enslaved Americans?

Everybody in Cleveland, [low] minority, got Obama phone. Keep Obama in president, you know. He gave us a phone, he gonna do more

The interviewer then asks, “He gave you a phone. How’d he give you a phone?”

You sign up! If you on food stamps, you on social security, you got low income, …

The Obama record: 1 in 7 Americans on food stamps

Video repeats

The Obama record:  $16 Trillion in debt

The Obama record:  Millions of jobs lost

Can we afford four more years of Barack Obama?

Mr. Ken Blackwell’s public service includes terms as mayor of Cincinnati, an undersecretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission. In 1994, he became the first African-American elected to a statewide executive office in Ohio when he was elected treasurer of state. He subsequently was elected to two terms as Secretary of State.

He is also involved nationally in "a whole lot more." This guy loves this Country. And, I appreciate Ken's friendship and his being a willing contributor to the ARRA News Service.

Read more about Ken Blackwell on The masthead summarized it all and may encourage you to be involved: "Tea Party Victory Fund is here to support people who are committed to constitutional principles of smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom. It's not enough to just be a Republican -- you've got to be a conservative first."

Tags: Obama Phone, Barack Obama, ad, ea Party Victory Fund, Ken Blackwell To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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