Breaking News
Monday, October 1, 2012

Info Post
Ozark Guru: The press seems to believe that the American people are stupid. People may indeed be busy, overwhelmed and under the current administration, out of work, out of money and in distress over the policies and actions by the current administration.

From the Arkansas Ozarks to the Mississippi Delta to the Louisiana Swamps, country folks know how to use their down time wisely: fishing, hunting, romancing and reflecting on  what is really going on. They know the unvarnished truth and don't mind sharing it often in a humorous way. The following perspective was shared at by a Louisianan with a Mississippian and an Arkansan at Burchfield's Garage in Tunica, MS.
It is Simply Amazing When You "Think" About It!
Isn't it amazing that, within only one week of Tiger Woods crashing his Escalade, the press found every woman with whom Tiger has had an affair during the last 20 years? And, they even uncovered photos, text messages, recorded phone calls, etc.!

Furthermore, they not only know the cause of the family fight, but they even know it was a 9 iron from his golf bag that his wife used to break out the windows in the Escalade. Not only that, they know which wedge! And, each and every day, they were able to continue to provide America with updates on Tiger's sex rehab stay, his wife's divorce settlement figures, as well as the dates and tournaments in which he was to play.

Now, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama has been in office for over three years, yet this very same press:
· Cannot find any of his childhood friends or neighbors;
· Or find any of Obama's high school or college classmates;
· Or locate any of his college papers or grades;
· Or determine how he paid for both a Columbia & a Harvard education;
· Or discover which country issued his visa to travel to Pakistan in the 1980's;
· Or even find Michelle Obama's Princeton thesis on racism.

They just can't seem to uncover any of this. Yet, the public still trusts that same press to give them the whole truth! Don't you find that totally amazing?
Now Tell Me There Is No Bias or Corruption In the American Lame Stream Press! Maybe the politically inbred news media doesn't know the following. But any American farmer knows that you can not get the water to clear up in a creek until you get the pigs out of that creek. Time for the press to stop wallowing in the creek with the politicians.

Tags: Ozark Guru, Burchfield's Garage, Mississippi, liberal media, biased media, Tiger Woods, Barack Obama, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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